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Florian class 100 ton Scout/Courier Deckplans


SOC-14 1K
Well, I finally got round to doing some plans for my Florian Scout.
ACK from these very boards wished to use it in a campaign he's running and asked me if I could give him some idea of the layout. I decided that it was high time I had some kind of deckplans for the Florian so people could actually start using it, so I knocked some up in Photoshop, using renders and screengrabs of the ship. The plans are fairly rudimentary but should be useable. Click on the picture to go to them.

<a href="http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/scarecrow" target="_blank">




Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Well, I finally got round to doing some plans for my Florian Scout.
ACK from these very boards wished to use it in a campaign he's running and asked me if I could give him some idea of the layout. I decided that it was high time I had some kind of deckplans for the Florian so people could actually start using it, so I knocked some up in Photoshop, using renders and screengrabs of the ship. The plans are fairly rudimentary but should be useable. Click on the picture to go to them.



They are great.

Scarecrow's contribution is yet another example of the attitude and wonderful sense of community among Trav fans here.

Everyone here has been so cool.

I ask Aramis if he could think up a DGP style task system that would work for T5 and bam he posts it.

I mention offhand I lost my Trav stuff from back in the day here and K. Webb sends me the books for the Megatraveller stuff. Sure, he had another set but still that is incredible.

I mention to the Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan that I like his character pictures and he offers to make some for me.

I said I was looking for deckplans to the Imperiallines TJ Transport and flykiller offerred to work some up for me before I would they were already out there.

There are other examples but thanks to Scarecrow and everyone else.
Excellent work Scarecrow. I'll definitely be using it so thanks for posting it. And you say ther will be better versions in the future...

Very very impressive! I've been waiting for you to finish those deckplans ever since I saw the Florian on your site and the wait was worth it! Great job! What's next?
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
What's next?
A Traveller online comic? Seriously. I'm bandying ideas with Paul Drye (author of the new 'Sword Worlds' book). It's still in the 'wouldn't-it-be-cool-if' stage and we certainly haven't approached anyone with any authority yet, so don't hold your breath.

No more info than that for now, though I'm afraid.

As for ships, well, I'm currently working on a small cargo ship in the vein of 'Slave 1' from Star Wars from a design by a friend of mine, Darren Watford.

I still want to finish the Rhino-Hunter. I still need to finish the Wedgie and I still need to finish the Florian interior models =) All this on top of a 300 ton design that I want to do and a 'perpendicular' design too.

In short, there's so much to do, I don't really know where to start!

Need... more... hands...

I think he means the deckplans for the Florian.

Jame, follow the link to Scarecrow's site. From there go into the RPG section and then click on the picture of the Florian on that page. The deckplans as well as everything else on the Florian should be there.

Scarecrow, Let me just add my thanks for your doing the deckplans of the Florian. They look great!

Alrighty back to my usual lurking.
Yep, Swordsage is right. Thanks, Sage, Crow. And Crow: I like, I like! :cool:

I may have missed it on the site, but what are the details (maneuver, Jump, crew and etcetera)?
Pretty much a common garden variety CT Scout/Courier type S

I think it's
Jump 2
Maneuvre 2G
40 tons fuel
4 Staterooms
no low berths
1 double laser-cannon turret (not on the basic model)
3 tons cargo
Very nice! I think one of my players would prefer it over the Type S. And deck plans! It just great.
I loved your ship, especially the added touches of the exterior view superimposed over the deck plans and the interior pictorial tour, both are very impressive. A great job! :cool: :cool:

Two questions for ya Scarecrow:

1. What are the long thin bits out the back, hanging off the center of the engine nacelles?

2. I've seen your non-CGI work. Game to try a 1/2400th sculpt of the Floriani in styrene and epoxy or in some of that modellers green putty? I happen to have a friend who just bought an industrial spin caster. He's willing to make pucks for me, and if I had a good master for the Floriani, I might be able to get some limited production runs of it as a mini. If you happened to have some of the old traveller ships to use for size comparison, that would be awesome. If not, I could get you shots of them next to a ruler. I think this would be really neat if it had both an electronic format and a 'real live usable miniature' format. You'd have to leave the barrels off the turret (could be added after with some brass rod if you left some dimples to guide the pin vise) and we'd probably have to leave off the long bits off the nacelles (unless they were cast as a separate flat part)) but it could still be a pretty cool result. You have to admit, seeing it realized in white metal, painted, and put on a table would be pretty sweet.

Drop me an email at tomb at stargrunt dot ca.

Since the ship is your creation and only 'notionally' a type S, I'm sure you could get it cast without any IP infringement issues.

Tom B
RE: Florian Scout

from: Scarecrow

Pretty much a common garden variety CT Scout/Courier type S

I think it's
Jump 2
Maneuvre 2G
40 tons fuel
4 Staterooms
no low berths
1 double laser-cannon turret (not on the basic model)
3 tons cargo
1. First off, exceptional work! This screams to be included in a Traveller book somewhere.

2. How would you classify the hull? Is it a needle config or a cone config?

3. I'm contemplating using the following ship from the HG2 shipyard for my campaign:

Name: Excitable Minx
Type: S
Class: ?Florian
Tech Level: 14
S-1 [?1] 222R1-400000-30000-0 MCr 52.228 100 Tons
Bat Bear 1 Crew: 2
Bat 1 TL: 14

Cargo: 3.000 Fuel: 34.000 EP: 2.000 Agility: 0
Craft: 1 x 4T air/raft
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification

Architects Fee: MCr 0.516 Cost in Quantity: MCr 41.902

What I'm wondering is, would I be able to use the Florian plans with this ship without major modification? Perhaps just exchanging fuel tank areas for armor areas?