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we have a group in Willis we game when we can , looking to see if there where any Traveller area?
areafiftyonegames at g mail dot com
-gaming 30 years extensive gamer know how - we have to game master with similar style but different approach.
I have played 98.2 % of the game out there or own them or studied them.
I stay up with current trends and styles .
still, Traveller is my favorite.
< games roleplaying games rank 3
<8 terms and counting
looking for more Traveller gamers
I mostly do PBP because my schedule is very busy. There's a few more folks in the area that could play. There are game stores in Radford and Blacksburg that host games and you can probably make contacts there.
Willis Virginia

I live in Willis/Floyd area.

A while back I wanted to get a group going to play Traveller at the Radford store..if interested send me a message and I would be happy to run.
Well, I use Mongoose Traveller..But then again I am both biased and lazy..It's what I have in my possession, what I am most recently familiar with..and I work for the company...So get out the tar and feathers, and summon up the inquisition..I can also supply books and cheat sheets to anyone who needs them.
Hello Travellers,

I'm in Floyd Va nowadays. I am happy to play PBP, Virtual tabletop or meet in person. I suspect a synthesis of all three would make for a great game but I have yet to have anyone take me up on the challenge.

What are you all up to?
Hi Botcho, I have a group of Roll20 gamers that are looking for a CT referee. We're also playing FASA Trek and 1st ed AD&D on Tekumel at the moment. If interested, drop me a line!