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Freelance Traveller Contest Reminder


SOC-14 1K
Freelance Traveller Contest #2011-1: Wooden Ships and Iron Men

Create a career for a Wet Navy, with technology limited to the Age of Sail. Personal firearms are to be assumed to be muzzle-loaders, as are cannon. You may invent undocumented skills that are relevant to the career, but provide an explanation of the skill and its relevance—examples of situations where the skill would be useful are a plus. Do not assume anything about the setting other than technology being limited to roughly the early-to-mid 1800s in Europe.

The career must be compatible with Classic Traveller (Basic or Expanded chargen), MegaTraveller, or Mongoose Traveller (or the Mongoose Traveller SRD).

Send entries to contest@freelancetraveller.com. They must be received by 23:59:59 EDT August 31, 2011; the editor will decide which he likes best (realism and lots of options are pluses), and that winning entry will appear in the October 2011 issue of Freelance Traveller. It will also become a core component of a Freelance Traveller project that has been back-burnered for a while; the author will be invited to participate and an overview of the project will be posted in the October issue along with an invitation for serious participation in further development only.