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Fun/Inspirational: Sci-fi Shipping Crates

I noted the two way tie for 3rd place myself. :eek: :confused:

Andrew Boulton--If I can swing it, I'll contact former VIP Al Gore's team of lawyers since he's out on his movie "tour" if ya think it would help..
I'd rather have Dubya's lawyers...

Seriously, the winning model deserved first prize.

If you're over on SFM, check out the Eagle Transporter thread. So good it hurts.
Bad news, Andrew... William Bennett is on vacation and his secretary now thinks I'm a crank caller :eek: :( ; Howard Baker is getting his pacemaker battery changed and so his cell phone is turned off. :(

Gore's team however is desperate for some news coverage, so if any of those chads were pregnant, or dimpled by some sexually harassing judge, they'll do it probono like the good vultur-ahem, lawyers they are. :D

Prolley even let ya get two words in on CNN too..