• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Future Releases

"GA-2 is now at 10,715 words. The world map for the adventure is half-done."

GA-2 hasa very different flavour to GA-1. It is almost entirely based on two planets (one being Talos).
When it is near completion I will get Hunter to post an "upcoming release" blurb about it.
GA-2 is now finished and is with the Powers that be for editing. So hopefully soon it will be out. All the deckplans have been done so there should be few stops to getting it published in a reaosnable timeframe.
Sorry if this isn't posted right...don't do forums very often. Nice to be here, btw.

Anywho...I would love to see an equipment TA. Something along the lines of what was done for T4 (e.g., Emperor's Arsenal and Central Catalog), where they had equipment and weapons for various TLs. That's one thing that's really lacking in T20. An ACR at TL 5 is different from one built using TL 12 technology. I would like to see that gradation in equipment technologies and the impacts it would have in play. I've set about developing this information (starting with weapons first). I hope to do the same for equipment. One idea was to have higher TL give gradually higher circumstance bonuses in the use of certain equipment. For example, say a chemsniffer has a base TL of 10. A PC using the chemsniffer would be allowed to detect chemicals but would not have any equipment circsumstance bonus while using the item. A TL 12 chemsniffer would grant him/her/it a +1 bonus, a TL 13 would give +2, etc. Or some roughly liner bonus like that.
Oh, well then I'll save myself the trouble and wait for the players' handbook. *sits back and twiddles thumbs...." I've long since held off from joining the Moot...but maybe I'll do so after all.