• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Game shows in the Imperium

Ultimate Fighter
Cool, Ithklur versus Aslan or a cage match with a deranged K'kree and a Vargr pack.

Still what is the biggest baddest race for unarmed combat? Hhkar?
Originally posted by kafka47:
The Great Race - program in which players must wear portacamera and leap across several star systems with almost no money finding odd jobs to achieve noble ends. Somehow, this game also goes by the name Traveller.
Each contestant must perform some deed to help another sentinent being at each stop before moving on.
Locating the correct person to assist is a challenge in itself.
MegaCorp Apprentice
Players are each assigned a primitive world and the winner is the one who can exploit the most out of the planet and people.

So You Think You Can Astrogate
Clueless celebs are each given a scout ship and have to race across a sector.

>> Edited <<
I brought this up at our game session last night and here are a few we came up with for a bit of light relief:

The Hiver version of Celebrity Squares
Major Personality Tesseract
A couple of shows for the engineers out there;
Trick my Air Raft and Monster Spacedock
And the interracial style show
Vargr Eye for the Aslan Guy
:D :D