Terran Confederation, Ganymede class battlecruiser.
This is still a work in progress, so there is still much to do. I have included an insert with a man standing in one of the three hanger bays to give you a sense of scale. I have not done any volume calculations so I have no idea as to how many dtons it is.
I have also rendered a test firing of the ship's laser turret, you can view that from the following YouTube link.
That's all for now, I will post updates as it progresses.
This is still a work in progress, so there is still much to do. I have included an insert with a man standing in one of the three hanger bays to give you a sense of scale. I have not done any volume calculations so I have no idea as to how many dtons it is.

I have also rendered a test firing of the ship's laser turret, you can view that from the following YouTube link.
That's all for now, I will post updates as it progresses.
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