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Gateway PDF Update


Ancient - Absent Friend
As promised, the PDF version of Gateway to Destiny has been updated to match the forthcoming print version of the book. This update contains all of the changes to the information, plus artwork and additional maps.

If you have already purchased the Gateway PDF, all you have to do is log into the eLibrary and download it again.

If you haven't gotten a copy of the Gateway PDF and you want a copy you will have to act fast. As soon as the print version is available we will be removing the PDF version from the catalog and it will no longer be available.

The print version should be available in 2-3 weeks as long as their are no problems with the proof copy (which we should have in the next week or so). Once I have approved the proof, I will be putting the print version up for preorder.

Hope you enjoy it!

Wow :cool: :eek:
, and I thought it was good as a plain text. The artwork makes it something else again.
Now to start badgering my FLGS to get lots of deadtree copies.
Great work, well done to all involved.

I've just downloaded and paged through this, and it's looking pretty good.

The big change from the pre-release version is the inclusion of art. This looks decent enough as RPG art goes (I don't rate RPG art), and is more relevant and useful than usual. There are pictures of almost all the non-human races, which was a key "must have" for me. And the megacorp logos are a neat idea.

The overview maps with the introductory material at the start of the book are excellent and supremely useful. They help set this book apart from clunky old bottom-up CT/MT era publications. I hope you will repeat and extend this policy for the 1248 book (which really needs good maps, with all that see-saw history).

I see Shane has tidied up the X-boat routes a bit. They're looking better now. I also checked a few things that were wrong in the first version and they've been fixed, which hopefully bodes well for errata.

I was going to note a small downside: the maps in Cold Fuzion would have been better in a scalable format. They're pretty indistinct as zoomed bitmaps. Then I saw the extra-large handout versions a couple of pages later. Kudos!

It's still got the same belief-defying UWPs as the first version, but I guess that wasn't going to change.

I will have a proper read through the book, and submit a substantial review somewhere.

A request, for us PDF-loving types: could Shane be persuaded to produce a single PDF map of the entire domain, without any subsector grid (meaningless once you leave paper behind)? It's great to open up the big map and scroll around it whilst thinking about adventures. And ideally, if it's practical, hexes with a system in them should have the whole UWP printed roughly where the starport code normally goes. That would be so much more convenient than switching between map and list.

I think there's already a domain-level map available, although it is in the traditional Traveller map format. Much of the initial work in creating these images, before Shane sits down and does his magic, is performed by a script that runs in CC2. I believe that it's the script that plots everything out and puts the world info out in traditional Traveller format. I'm sure that if you modified the script to display UWPs, Shane could put that kind of map together, provided of course he had the time and the motivation to do so. Bribery might work, but I'm not sure what you should use in those regards. Beer? Burgers? Babes? Probably should check with him to be sure. Shane, do you need anything?



I really like the look of the updated PDF, and appreciate all the hard effort by everyone to bring it to fruition.

Now, I do remember sending some starship designs to QLI for the Gateway Domain sourcebook about sixteen months ago, and I'm a little saddened not to see any ships in the final product, but it's also understandable. Hoping they show up in the Starfall Cluster sourcebook...

Thanks, QLI,
Originally posted by Flynn:
I think there's already a domain-level map available
There used to be, but it's vanished from the eLibrary.

Shane could put that kind of map together, provided of course he had the time and the motivation to do so. Bribery might work, but I'm not sure what you should use in those regards. Beer? Burgers? Babes? Probably should check with him to be sure. Shane, do you need anything?
As I recall, stem ginger cookies worked quite well at our last T5 session. ;)
I bought the original pdf and would like the finished one. Does the checkout screen know me and null the charge if I go through and fill in the forms?
Originally posted by womble:
I bought the original pdf and would like the finished one. Does the checkout screen know me and null the charge if I go through and fill in the forms?
You don't checkout again. You just log into the eLibrary and download the new copy.

w00t! Ambassador Chroth is the Iconic Gateway Droyne! ;) (head bob wing flutter)

PDF does look better now polished and the artwork adds a nice touch. The Sector / UWP sections are still mostly "dry" but they are largely lists of UWP and maps, not much one can do there. Final cover art looks better *as* a cover now IMO. The overall domain map does make it easier to see what political states are where tho a few of the Alignment codes are obscured by the dots on the map. The general region map is good tho a tad dark on my screen, I suspect it prints out better esp. in the hardcover.

Assuming once the book goes on preorder there will be SKU etc. numbers so I can finally preorder the book at my FLGS.

KKREE Kisses! have to tick off my wife tonight and down load for an hour. Ues jasper still on dial up. But hey I working on tas 3 for t20 now
Why does my eLibrary page only list 3 items? I've bought every electronicly published thing QLI has published.
Originally posted by Nightshade:
Why does my eLibrary page only list 3 items? I've bought every electronicly published thing QLI has published.
If you ordered using different email addresses then you will have multiple accounts. That is the only thing I can think of.

I've been trying to download the updated PDF of GTD but while I can log in whenever I click on "download again" I just get a tiny file called "elibrary.pl" appearing on my desktop. I click on this file and it takes me back to internet explorer with the elibrary login page displayed. Any ideas on how to actually download the gateway PDF again successfully?


Originally posted by Michael Taylor:
I've been trying to download the updated PDF of GTD but while I can log in whenever I click on "download again" I just get a tiny file called "elibrary.pl" appearing on my desktop. I click on this file and it takes me back to internet explorer with the elibrary login page displayed. Any ideas on how to actually download the gateway PDF again successfully?


Are you behind a firewall possibly? it sounds like your system isn't allowing you to access the download script.

I am behind a super firewall running off a Mac OSX server, but I downloaded the old PDFs no problem.

Should I download it from home where there is no firewall?