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Gateway PDF Update

Hey, I'm having trouble downloading the updated version of the Gateway PDF. I bought it last year and downloaded it, but I never received a password, just a one-time link to the PDF. I've tried to log into the eLibrary, but I don't seem to have a password. I thought it was the same password that one uses for the forums.

Has anyone else run into this problem? I'd like to get the updated version before it's no longer available!
How long should it take for a retrieved password to get sent out? I got a 'password has been sent to your mail address' message for one of the possible email addresses I may've used to d/l the original pdf, but nothing's arrived in my mailbox... It's not been very long, but these automated things are usually near-enough instant.
Yeah, I've tried multiple times to get a password sent to me, over several weeks. No such luck. So now I've got only the original PDF of Gateway from last year with no way to get the updated version without rebuying it.

I think something weird happened, because the email that was sent to me contained only a one-use link to download the file, and no password. This doesn't match what anyone else has said concerning their order. Was a different ordering system being used in November of last year?
silly question...and I've noticed similar problems with more than just the gateway pdf.

Have the people with email / account problems tried notifying QLI that for example their email addresses have changed since they purchased one of the pdf products and has QLI migrated accounts from one email address to another?

Seems to me some updates / accounts are tied to either old or no longer used email accounts. It seems a lot of the pdf problems come from people either getting no email notice or when they try to login to get a pdf their account here is still tied to an out of date email address.

Just an observation,

fwiw I keep one web-based email account for such registration purposes. The spam it gets... :eek:
Nope, sorry. Hunter occasionally posts a contact email addy on these forums (not sure if he always uses the same one) and there is a contact us link at the bottom of this page. YMMV, mine has in this matter.
