Playing with some numbers.
Distance 25000 LY = 7670 parsecs
At most a J6 ship can move 300 parsecs in a year, but this would involve jumping between fast-swap fuel dumps (ala x-boat networks)
That would be a 26 year journey one-way.
Time taken would depend on the commonality of potential fuel sources, even a slight deviation would push the distance covered into 10,000+ parsecs. Optimistic time for transit I would place at 200 years, with a good chance of the transit time being double this or more.
Distance 25000 LY = 7670 parsecs
At most a J6 ship can move 300 parsecs in a year, but this would involve jumping between fast-swap fuel dumps (ala x-boat networks)
That would be a 26 year journey one-way.
Time taken would depend on the commonality of potential fuel sources, even a slight deviation would push the distance covered into 10,000+ parsecs. Optimistic time for transit I would place at 200 years, with a good chance of the transit time being double this or more.