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Gen Con Indy 2006...


SOC-14 1K
Good Morning, All,

Today is the day that preregistration for Gen Con Indy 2006 begins. Who all is planning on going this year? Who's running games for the Con? Anyone running any pick-up games?

For the last three years, I've run T20 games at the Con, and have enjoyed myself. Last year, I was the only person to run any kind of Traveller game for the convention. We had fun, but I must admit that I was a little sorry to read that no one else is supporting Our Old Game.

This year, I have decided to take a year off and spend time with some old friends that will be attending this year after being absent for a while. That being said, I hope someone picks up the torch and runs a Traveller game at Gen Con Indy. Also, if anyone is running a pick-up game, please let us know.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to what will be my 6th Gen Con in a row. I hope to see some of you guys there.

Prepare To Jump,
Hmm I have co-hosted a convention game long ago, altho it was a wargame (not an RPG). I wonder if GenCon gives a discount for GMs who volunteer.

EDIT: I just found out that GenCon is at Anaheim in November 2006. I will just wait until then, since Anaheim is very local to me.
Gen Con will reimburse your badge costs if you schedule and run games for 96 player-hours or more. That number assumes four 4-hour games for 6 people. I ran two 6-hour games for 6-8 players, and one 4-hour game for 6-8 players, and it worked out well.

Gen Con will reimburse you a quarter of your hotel room costs (they assume four to a room) if you run games for 192 player-hours or more.

Reimbursement is made after the Con, once they count up the tickets you turn in and make sure that you lived up to your obligations. (They don't care if you actually hit the numbers, just that you showed up and ran your game for those people that do show up to play in it, so no worries there.)

Hope this helps,
I'm up for GenCon again. Maybe this year I'll take an extra day off of work and have time to see a lot more. Might also, if I have time, to set up a T20 Space Opera game (IMTU).

Might I ask.... how has the reception been to GMed Traveller games at the recent GenCons? Given that about 98% of the convention gamers have never played Traveller.... do enough players actually sign up (assuming you're hosting one)?
I ran T20, so many of the gamers were already familiar with the core system. I had to explain Lifeblood and Stamina, and how AR worked. Other than that, the D20-philes didn't need much in the way of system mechanics. They took to the game very well in almost all cases, and a vast majority of them reported having a great time.

Every game sells out within a day or so of preregistration starting. About 75% of the players have played Traveller before, and those that hadn't played T20 had played D&D, so they understood the basics of the system. You'll find you have a full house going in, and usually you get 75% to show up. There's almost always someone looking to get in on generics, so you run for a full table almost every session.

It has been my experience that all of the T20 games I've run have been well received, although there are occasionally those individuals that didn't like it because the game didn't go their way. It happens. You can't please all the people all of the time, but I've been greatly pleased by all of my Con gaming experiences.

Hope that helps,
Sigh... no thanks to the numerous reversals of fortune I've had over the last few months (i.e. lost a job, got a new job, downsized a week later after the new employer decided they really didn't have the budget for my new position), I won't be able to attend...again... this year.

This was so much easier when GenCon was in Milwaukee.
It's still a plane flight for me, either way, but there is a lot more room at Indy.

Things will work out at some point, my friend.

Welcome aboard, Dameon. Hope to get the chance to meet you while we're there.

Ditto for you, Maladominus. Let me know what you decide to do, and I'll see if I can't drive up some support for ya...

One final note: I'm registered for the Con! Yay!

See ya there,
If my health permits, I am seriously thinking of going. I have the money for it, just need the stamina, and keep my tumor slowed.

I don't think I could GM a T20 game. I barely understand the system know. I'm clearly a T20 noobie on this one. Now CT, on the other hand......

Lets see. August 10-13 at Indianapolis, Indiana.

I shall have to contemplate this :cool:
I think that it'd be pretty easy to fill any Traveller (whatever the system) games that you opted to run. The players who were in Flynn's GenCon 2004 sessions seemed pretty happy with the sessions and Flynn's GMing as far as I could tell.

I've just been looking over the Gen Con sight at the Exhibitors.

I'm not seeing anything Traveller or GURPS there :( :confused:

It would be a disapointment to spend a couple hundred dollars for no Traveller stuff.

I shall contemplate further.... :rolleyes:
Dude, GURPS is all over the place there! You'll find plenty in that department, I assure you.

If you have never gone to a Gen Con, I highly recommend it. Every gamer that I know who has gone has come back thankful for the experience. It's just a blast. I've been to other Cons before, but nothing like Gen Con. It's become my own personal vacation each year.

You can also find a lot of out-of-print Traveller items in the used RPG booths, some of them even at good prices, if you dig for them.

Exhibitors are still signing up, so you might want to check back in a few months to make sure.

I doubt QLI will be there; they were only present the one year, and then haven't been able to make it back since.

I'm also sure you can catch a couple of Traveller pick-up games, if you're interested.

Hope this helps,
I'm sure someone will be running something. Psion usually runs something as a pick-up game. Next year, I'll likely run again, but this year, well... I have my reasons for not running something official this year.

Still, I might be talked into running a pick-up game if things happen to work out that way...

Hope to see you there,
I played in one of Jason's sessions last August (Friday night) and it was a blast! That was the first time I'd played T20 (but I had played other d20 games) but Jason was patient and explained the major mechanics quickly and then GM'd a very nice game. I was also scheduled for the Saturday night session but RL got in the way and I couldn't attend.
If I recall correctly, Saturday night was the session where the PCs became instant celebrities, only to find themselves being stalked by a secret society. Things quickly got out of hand. It was a pretty fun session, if I recall. Perhaps some of the others could post their recollections of it, if you are interested in more details.

Hope this helps,