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MGT Only: Giving a gift

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
I'd like to start something.

I found out the other day that you can get the Traveller Explorer Edition on PDF for $0.99. That's right! There's a very cheap PDF of an edition of Traveller.

And I want to see more people play Traveller.

So, once a week, I offer to send someone the PDF of the Explorer Edition. I can do this on DriveThruRPG.

Once a week, send me a name and email address of someone you think would like to try out Traveller. If they aren't on DriveThruRPG, ir says it will set it up for them.

If you know a Gamer who hasn't played Traveller before...
If you know a kid or even an adult who is interested in Space or Science or even Role-playing...
Or even if you know a Traveller Player who hasn't played the Mongoose version yet...

The first Citizens of the Imperium member to send me someone (Direct Message me) on Sundays, will get their person a PDF gift.

Let's get some people playing!
If you are going to like Traveller through exposure to Explorer and the two free adventures then facsimile edition is not going to confuse you - especially since it contains lots of notes.