I like it!
Nice to seem someone thinking "outside the wedge".
Forgot to post this last night:
Finally!!! Someone is making ships like Andre Norton described in her Time Traders series...
The Time Traders (1958)
Galactic Derelict (1959)
The Defiant Agents (1962)
Key Out of Time (1963)
Firehand (1994) (with P.M. Griffin)
Echoes in time (1999) (with Sherwood Smith)
Atlantis Endgame (2002) (with Sherwood Smith)
I hate to say this but I think I have read only one of them. Deffinatly one of the older ones but no idea which one.
That's pretty similar to the art on the new reprint of Space Viking.
On the other hand, the ship from Space Viking was a Broadsword...
I admit I am a real collector of deck plans...just can't get enough! Many thanks for posting you idea here.
My question is how do you use the cargo bays? The bays are above the ground; almost too far to be useful. Do you envision using ramps or lifts or cranes? IMHO, Scouts ships should be self-sufficient so is there equipment needed?
For instance, a modern-day US Navy Mk 41 Vertical Launch System has 42 compartments, but only loads 41 missiles since the 42nd is filled with a crane that is used to assist reloading. In the case of your Golfball Scout, maybe there is a crane needed along the overhead of the cargo bay that can swing out to lift/lower items.
As for stats they were all done with Andrew's HGS program. I should be able to get them all together and post them.
Did you use CC2 for these? I like the beds with teddy bears and stuff like that.