Following myself up, I just read the other story, "Absent Friends," and its also quite good. Closer to the feel of a conventional TNE adventure (military/RCES oriented, Smash & Grab scenario, lots of shooting) and therefore less interesting to me personally (I like fiction to different show aspects of the Universe than typical game-adventures -- character-study and the mundane details of day-to-day life rather than rip-snorting action) but still well-written and very much worth checking out.
Both of these stories show a distressing tendency towards killing off all (or at least most) of the supporting characters, which tends to lessen the impact ("oh look, Lisa Davies is the only person to survive again"). Also it seems she made the jump from more-or-less noncombatant to racking up a sizeable body count awfully quickly, but maybe that's just my RL violence-abhorring nature acting up.
The question now is: will 'Diaspora Phoenix' continue the adventures of Lisa Davies? If not, I hope (and trust) that there are a least a few more short stories in her future.