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GRANT system


Is there any canon info on this system, and why its a red zone? It seems like such a good place to holiday (quiet, standard atmoshpere) except for the big "KEEP OUT" sign.

If anyone's got info on this system I'd love to hear it.


Sub-Sector B Jewell
Hex Location 1607
World Name Grant
UWP X664100-0
StarPort X - No Starport
Planet Size 6 - 6,000 Miles (9,600 Kilometres)
Atmosphere 6 - Standard
Hydrographics 4 - 40% Water
Population 1 - Tens of Inhabitants
Gov't Type 0 - No Government Structure
Tech Level 0 - Stone Age - Primitive
Law Level 0 - No laws affecting weapons possession or ownership


Trade Lo Ni
Pop Multiplier 2
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 2
Stellar Data K6 V

there are several reasons

I have seen 1 adventure that says that a secret imperial bioware agent was accidentally released during the 4th FW.It is now used as a bombing range by the Imperial Navy

Supplement 6 states it is an imperial navy bombing range.

An adventure in challenge has the star giving off flares that wipe computers.

I would go with the bombing range.

In LBB6 page 28 of the version used for the reprint collection of books 0 - 8, the table with the starport descriptions says under X: "Generally a red travel zone."

Maybe the reason is as simple as that.
I guess it is a bit out of the way, not in the Jump-1 trade route and all.

Maybe the bombing range is just a cover for something more ... interesting.

They can hardly say "you can't come here because we are digging up a massive Ancient site of infinite importance" can they? They'd have to make a lame "we are blowing stuff up" excuse if there was actually something that people wanted to look at.

Thanks alot guys! I'll go with the bombing story.
The planet is a Red Zone...INTERDICTED. The Population code could represent the assigned Interdiction Team. Living in their little Interdiction Base on one of Grant's moons...right beside the Planetary Meson Cannon they use to shoot intruders with...
This is building into a nice little conspiracy theory.

So what have they found on the planet that warrants the interdiction and bombing?

Leftover Ancient war machines? Too predictable.

Leftover AI war machines that have no connection with the Ancients? Still so-so.

A really dangerous animal that has to be erradicated before settlement can begin? Think "Aliens". Been done.

A xenophobic minor race, a micro-organism that grows into huge sentient collonies, unfortunately it happens to be highly infectous to humans, Cthulhu like beasties, etc. etc.

Any other ideas?
Done some thinking.

If there was an ancient site there, I doubt the navy would use the world as a bombing range for fear of destroying any undiscovered sites.

Sure the world has a nice atmosphere, but if it's got no exploitable resources then it probably wouldn't be able to support a colony. Especially if its out of range of most trade vessels.

To be a good range to practice orbital bombardments, a world would need an atmoshpere typical of most worlds, have noting of value on the surface, and be out of the way of trade routs or major population centres.

Grant seems to fit the bill.

I agree that the population (in the tens) would probably be the "interdiction team", making sure the planet remains visitor free. They probably also serve as "spotters" for training exercises.
Why does "ancient ruins" ALWAYS have to mean THE Ancients? Whether you're playing in the Third Imperium of Year 993, or 1120, the Rule of Man happened over TWO THOUSAND YEARS ago!! And the height of the Ziru Sirka was over FIVE THOUSAND YEARS ago! Real World equivalents would be like equating the Rule of Man to, like, Roman Ruins, and the Ziru Sirka to Egyptian Ruins.

The big difference is the technologies being considered. Both the Egyptians and the Romans had technologies that could "Build for the Centuries", but the 1st & 2nd Imperiums had technologies that could "Build for the Millenia".

Why couldn't the planet be an old RoM Depot world, complete with still-active planetary defences, and a functioning Central AI that will only respond to old RoM Commands...which nobody knows, anymore.

And don't forget that, Post-826, the Impies become Anti-Psionic. There could be something down there that uses Psionics. And it doesn't have to be "intelligent".

The Planet could be under Interdiction because there exists on the planet a Fox-analogue that tracks its prey by using Psionics, or flowers that act as Telepathic Transcievers -- letting everyone within 15-feet "hear" the thoughts of everyone else that close to the plant; all in a sudden mental jumble. The thing is, the planet is Interdicted until the Impies can isolate the Psionic genome in the planetary ecosphere, and eradicate it. This would explain the occasional use as a Naval Bombing Range...

Or (shades of Virus), maybe the planet is home to a silicon lifeform similar to a massive, immobile "Brain Coral"; an organic, self-aware Supercomputer. And the Imperials are just keeping it a secret, while they study this new lifeform. Of course, toss in a little Telepathy, or even some other Psionic powers, and the Impies could REALLY be freaking out. Again, explaining the odd drop of heavy explosives on the planet.

Of course, the Planet could always be artificial -- those pesky Ancients, again! -- and the bombing could be simple excavation...looking for a way in.
Or, maybe there was a bio-agent released, and the population represents the remaining Gamma-World monstrosities?

I like Vince's ideas, too.
I don't think RoM era ruins would worry the TL15 Imperium much.

Golden Age Darrian "ruins" - TL16/17 - that would challenge the Imps.

Or a Primordial's research station...
If you consider the Regenecy Sourcebook to be Canon, in 1202 Grant is listed as a Zhodani Refugee World, so I doubt that any bioagents etc would be there.

Maybe the world is held as an Imperial Reserve World for future colonization? Which is why there is no starport - yet!

The 20 folks there could also serve as a naval refueling station as well.
Building on some of this (and something I have seen in a different context at the online JTAS), how about this:

There is a semi-sentient/sentient indigenous race on Grant that operates almost entirely via psionics (like "brain coral" or psionic trees). While not hostile to humans, the very nature of its operation is damaging/harmful to non-shielded humans. Once the nature of the problem was discovered by the Imperium, it was Red Zoned until it could be further researched. It ended up staying in this situation indefinitely.

Eventually, some Zhodani refugees landed there. Their telepaths were able to work with the indigenous life forms to allow non-psionic humans (or at least Zhodani) to live there without problems. As a result, it became a full refugee world.

That allows for all sorts of covert stuff to go on during the Classic periods, but opens it up during (and after) TNE.