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GunMaker for iOS now available on the iTunes App Store


Admin Award
Here ya go...


My 2nd iOS app for Traveller should be available within 24 hours for downloading, probably much sooner.

I was originally working on a T5 version of my TAS Form 2 app but the unresolved errata in T5 in so many areas was kicking my butt. I had GunMaker coded up as a 'feature' of that app and decided to just go ahead and put out a standalone version now.

If you run it on an iPad, there's one amusing feature available. I'll let you find it. Enjoy!
Sweet. Thank you!

(Now I need a recent-generation iPad... my first gen is iOS 5.1)
This is very nice. I like the summary line.

I suggest

* listing the options immediately after the summary
* putting QREBS last
* breaking down QREBS into something like "Quality 5, Reliability 0, Efficiency -1, Burden 0, Safety 0".
Did you use plists (or JSON, or XML or ??) for storing the GunMaker tables?
This is very nice. I like the summary line.

I suggest

* listing the options immediately after the summary
* putting QREBS last
* breaking down QREBS into something like "Quality 5, Reliability 0, Efficiency -1, Burden 0, Safety 0".

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep them in mind for a future update, like whenever T5 v5.1 comes out. :rofl:

This is Traveller, I figured the QREBS stuff SHOULD be obfuscated. ;)
Did you use plists (or JSON, or XML or ??) for storing the GunMaker tables?

iOS only supports JSON, so that's what I used.

Edit: Well, I suppose I could of used a plist, but JSON is nicer. BTW, My other iOS app lets you connect your device to a computer via USB and use iTunes to extract the JSON file. I didn't do that with GunMaker, but I could with an update, if anyone actually cared.
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Welcome back, viewers!

Today we are at the firing range to try out this newly-minted, never-been-fired Modified Veryheavy Hunting Shotgun-6 from GunMaker app.

The manual has this to say on the weapon:
QREBS= 500+40
Effect = Bullet-15
Recoil = Hi
Loud = Loud
Flash = no
Heat = no
Vacc = Ok
UW = no
CQ= -3

Now, readers I'm too frightened to fire this monster of a weapon even at its optimal Range. It's very bulky and likely would require powered armor. Do you agree with the manual's stats? Should a Shotgun of this magnitude feature some sort of governor to keep this weapon limited in the hands of civilians?

From the firing range above Roethoeegaeaegz (Knoellighz 1726), this is the Pakkrat
Without any options I get:

QREBS= 50020
Effect = Frag-8 Bullet-1
Recoil = Hi
Loud = Loud
Flash = no
Heat = no
Vacc = Ok
UW = no
CQ= no
Finally, a new update for your enjoyment! Version 1.5 is out.

• Various minor changes corrected in the T5.10 core rules.
• Added a completed gun text export option.

• Making multiple selections on views before continuing to the next step now correctly assigns values for the final selection.
• Range and Damage are now at least 0 after all adjustments.
I can now support Dark Mode on iOS so version 1.6 is out:

• Dark Mode support.

• Long Name and Wx labels now wrap instead of overflowing the text.