SOC-14 1K
Does anyone know if there are sets of GURPS Traveller books on CD, like what Marc had done with the various Traveller edition CDs on FFE website?
I know that all/most are available as PDFs through e23, but considering that I already own these books in hardcopy, the idea of re-buying them in PDF at the e23 prices is a bit much. Something like getting 6 to 8 related books on a CD for $35 (comparable to Marc's pricing) would be much more acceptable, and convenient as I wouldn't have to carry around the actual books.
I have not seen such CDs on e23; wondering if there is a different page at SJG I should be looking at?
I know that all/most are available as PDFs through e23, but considering that I already own these books in hardcopy, the idea of re-buying them in PDF at the e23 prices is a bit much. Something like getting 6 to 8 related books on a CD for $35 (comparable to Marc's pricing) would be much more acceptable, and convenient as I wouldn't have to carry around the actual books.
I have not seen such CDs on e23; wondering if there is a different page at SJG I should be looking at?