2300, T2K 1E, and at least one other GDW game used a system of card draws to describe important motivation factors.
Middle = 567
High = 89T
Special = JQKA
Clubs are violence - low simply isn't intimidated by it and won't avoid it, high is actively seeking it.
Diamonds are wealth - Low is simply desirous, mid is greedy, and high is corruptibly greedy
Hearts are fellowship - Low is merely friendly, mid is loyal and friendly, high is compassionate, friendly and loyal
Spades are power - low is impress your peers, mid is seek authority, high is manipulative
Each A,K, Q, and J is a special case by suit.
♥A Justice
♥K Honor
♥Q Love
♥J Wisdom
♣A War-leader
♣K Brutal
♣Q Stubborn
♣J Murderous
♦A Generous
♦K Selfish
♦Q Lustful
♦J Coward
♠A Charismatic
♠K Deceitful
♠Q Rutheless
♠J Pompous