Very Crude Draft....
# of Sensors (w/o paying extra - these "come with the bridge cost")
small craft/fighters: 1 note: commercial small craft range limited
merchant/commercial: 1/face (4 total) note: range limited
0-1000 dTon 3/face
1k-10k dTon 5/face
10k-100k dTon 10/face
100k+ dTon 50/face
to operate sensors (any number - they are all hooked to one master board on the bridge, etc) requires an Operator (who makes any required rolls). To be an Operator requires one of the following skills: Navigation, Pilot, Computer, Communications, or Electronics. If an Operator has none of these skills, roll with a DM of -4 (note: a skill of 1 in any of the required skills makes basic checks automatic, but even an unskilled operator has a 50% chance of succeeding on a basic sensor check)
Sensor Check 3+ (DMs: Navigation, Pilot, Computer, Communications, or Electronics. Intelligence 10+ gives a +1)
mods for range, atmosphere, more difficult checks, etc TBD (I think MgT has these)
Sensors are damaged (restricted by facing) whenever a hit is made, and on the damage roll a die is;
missile/missile bay ... 6 (1 sensor)
lasers ..................... 6 (1 sensor)
Energy Weapons ...... 5,6 (1 sensor)
P/A Weapons ........... 5,6 (1 sensor)
Nuclear Weapons ..... 3,4,5,6 (each does 1d6 sensors)
eg; a hit is made with a nuclear weapon , and the damage roll (2d) is a 4 and a 6 ... so 2d6 sensors are destroyed on that facing.
note: this "rewards" hits that do little or no damage, vs. those that do damage - invert the numbers (1,2,3) to reverse this.
note: IMTU, weapons do the following on a hit;
Nuclear missile: 10 damage rolls + 2 radiation rolls
HE missiles: 2 damage rolls
Missile Bays: 6 damage rolls (IMTU these are large missiles called "torpedoes" carrying enough fuel to get to long range...a nuclear "torpedo" does 20 damage rolls + 3 radiation hits).
note: nukes "scrub" a ship very quick IMTU....if they do not outright destroy it...but beware any non-Imperial that uses them (mostly pirates vs. SDB's)
only the first roll of each of the above counts as a "auto critical" (ie- rolls on critical table for each weapon level above hull size). If you get a "critical" result on the damage table, it still counts.
note: IMTU there is a "point blank range" (0-10,000 km) where computers can be ignored (say for fighters) and targeting can be "visual", gunnery skill counts, etc. Turret missiles can only fire at this range (offense or defense). Bay missiles fire at any of the 3 ranges. Fighters can deliver nuclear turret missiles and do substantial damage (if they survive the approach). Range progression is "long" (~1,000,000 km to max range), "short" (~10,000 - 1,000,000 km), "Point Blank" (~0-10,000km) so depending on the starting range, it will take fighters 1 or 2 turns to get to "Point Blank" range (assuming their side gets initiative each round).