Commander Truestar
So, my last PC developed a mainboard issue and died.
Now, I am rebuilding my workstation on my new PC and part of that is installing the software "Heaven & Earth"
I've loaded Twisted Pixel and H&E V.1.0.4
Then, I went to unzip my storage copy of V1.0.8 only to find it had become corrupted
So, I am looking for someone who has the 1.0.8 software and is wiling to send me a copy?
Note: Since Stuart made it freeware, I do not believe this is an abuse of the forum, but if it is then please delete this post and I apologize
So, my last PC developed a mainboard issue and died.
Now, I am rebuilding my workstation on my new PC and part of that is installing the software "Heaven & Earth"
I've loaded Twisted Pixel and H&E V.1.0.4
Then, I went to unzip my storage copy of V1.0.8 only to find it had become corrupted

So, I am looking for someone who has the 1.0.8 software and is wiling to send me a copy?
Note: Since Stuart made it freeware, I do not believe this is an abuse of the forum, but if it is then please delete this post and I apologize