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Rules Only: Help Wanted with J. Andrew Keith's "Arctic Environment"

Hi everyone,

My band of (Mongoose) Travellers will shortly be arriving at an "iceworld" and they're most likely going to have to do a bit of wilderness exploration. I'm trying to wrap my head around JAK's Arctic Environment, (I have a print copy but an e-version is available in the Apocrypha-3 collection) building an Excel spreadsheet to help temperature, weather, yadda yadda.

I'm writing to ask if any splendid people:
  • have already made such a spreadsheet and would be willing to share it. (I would be immensely grateful!)
  • otherwise might know where the dratted "wind chill effects table" is, as I am entirely unable to find it. (I would also be immensely grateful.)
Thanks for any and all help you can give me!