I'll make one suggestion: Change the X-boat routes to make a little more sense.
Change the link from Jae Tellona to Risek to a link from Rhylanor to Risek.
Change the link from Risek to Dhian to a link from Risek to Inthe.
Now Risek gets the news in one week instead of two, Dhian gets the news in two weeks instead of three, and Inthe gets the news in two weeks instead of four, and the number of X-boats involved is exactly the same.
I would also consider eliminating the link from Rhylanor to Jae Tellonae completely. A jump-2 link should be serviced by a jump-2 courier, not an X-boat. Plus, the Navy must be running couriers between the naval bases at Rhylanor and Jae Tellona anyway, so why can't they bring the mail? Turf war with the Scouts? OK, that would work. But there might be enough regular freighters and liners between Rhylanor and Jae Tellona to make dedicated couriers of any kind redundant, though Jae Tellona's population is a bit low for that. But in that case, why does it rate an X-boat station in the first place (And a class A starport!!)? OTOH, perhaps the link is a boondoggle, put in place to increase the cash flow to X-boat manufacturers and kickbacks to Scout administrators.
The link from Risek to Dhian... well, if you can figure out why such a backwater world rates an X-boat link at all. If not, there's always the 'boondoggle' explanation to fall back on, I suppose.