Thanks Sabredog for the reply and further confirmation I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
However, I have a small quibble with the 1 senior officer per battery based on how I understand the rules, which could be out of whack and has been for a long time.
Here goes my break down of the requirements:
1. A Chief Cunnery Officer is required on hulls > 1,000 ton mounting offensive or defensive weapons or systems.
2. Each weapon type should have at least 1 Petty Officer, aka Non-Commissioned Officer.
3. Spinal Mounts should have 1 crew member per 100 displacement tons
The smallest spinal mount displaces 1,000 tons requiring a crew of round(1,000/100,0) = 10.
Using requirement 6 the spinal mount has round(10 x 0.1,0) = 1 officer and if(round(10 x 0.3,0) < 1, 1, round(10 x 0.3,0)) = 3 Petty Officers, and 6 ratings. There are three petty officers so Requirement 2 is covered.
4. Bay weapons should have a crew of 2 per bay installed
Each bay weapon type requires 1 Petty Officer.
One missile bay has a crew of 2 with on being a Petty Officer and 1 rating.
Two missile bays has a total of 4 crew members one of which is a Petty Officer.
Requirement 6: Two Missile Bays
Officer = round(4 x 0.1,0) = round(0.4,0) = 0
Petty Officer = round(4 x 0.3,0) = round(0.12,0) = 0
The total required Missile Bay Section is 4 personnel broken down into 0 officers, 1 Petty Officer and 3 ratings at a minimum. I probably have 2 Petty Officers with the senior Petty Officer acting as the Missile Bay NCO.
5. Turrets have should have a crew of 1 per battery installed.
A battery is considered to be 10 turrets of the same weapon type grouped together.
10 x Triple Beam Laser turrets = 1 battery.
At minimum this Beam Laser Battery requires the gunner to be a Petty Officer.
100 x Triple Beam Laser turrets are broken up into 10 batteries each consisting of 10 turrets.
Total Beam Laser Turret personnel = 10
Requirement 6:
Officers = round(10 personnel x 0.1,0) = round(1,0) = 1
Petty Officers = round(10 personnel x 0.3,0) = round(3,0) = 3, again the minimum of 1 Petty Officer per weapon type has been meant.
Rating = 6
Five turret batteries require 1 officer.
6. The Gunnery section should have 10% officers and 30% petty officers.
I've used the manual method (pencil, lots of paper, and calculator), spreadsheets (my own and a couple of ones created by other people), and using Andrew Vallance's HGS application. They have confirmed my numbers.
Hopefully, I haven't been calculating the crew worng for 20+ years.
My take was that the Flight Control Officer is the CAG - as you said, but because the rules were unclear on the FSO: relative to if that's per tube or 1 FSO for ALL the tubes, I decided that it is a per tube position. Just like weapon batteries have to have a senior officer per battery.
So on a carrier with say, hangars for large assault landers and such, and 6 launch tubes to accommodate fighters of various types I would have 1 FCO over-watching the whole shindig, and 6 FSO's doing the same thing for the launch tubes while subordinate to the FCO....and as a house-rule (because it makes sense) 1 FSO to oversee launch and recovery ops in the hangars.
The FCO will be in CIC, but the FSO's are stationed at the tubes (and hangars, if you go with that) themselves. So IMHO the FCO is Deck Command Staff to co-ordinate the larger launch ops picture, and the FSO is more correctly with the Flight Section because he is the guy in direct supervision.