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[HG2] Raid on Isseydo

"Passing through Isseydo Jump Limit," the Navigator reported.

The Captain looked around his bridge. Battle Condition Red was set aboard Acheron High Lightning, FI-6357, an Azhanti High Lightning-class Fleet Intruder of the Imperial Navy. As befitted the Fleet Intruder mission, ACH was raiding the small world of Isseydo, to the galactic rimward of the Vegan area. After being at war with the Solomani for 10 years, the Imperial Navy was on the offensive and, though not part of the main battle fleet, raids by the 'Flints' were important in keeping the Soli's off-guard as well as useful for collecting intelligence. Acheron High Lightning had been ordered to enter the Isseydo system and raid shipping. If possible, she was also to land her Marine contingent and copy -then destroy- the starport's data bank. Opposition was projected to be light; Isseydo had no more than a dozen of the Solomani 'standard' 300dton System Defense Boats (SDB). Acheron was running into the planet with a 2-g velocity; not too fast so the ship could maneuver. The Captain had decided to keep the fighters aboard for now; they would be used to cover the Marines landing and deal with shipping nearer the planet.

Sensor called out, "Detecting three targets on an intercept trajectory. Maneuvering together; likely a flight of system defense boats."

And so the battle begins....

It was still long range, but the SDB's had changed formation into a spread echelon, a sure sign that a missile launch was to follow. "Target lead boat," the Captain ordered, "Fire at will."

As missiles streaked away from the boats, Acheron fired full laser and missile salvos. The spinal Particle Accelerator - PA gun - also fired. The Captain grimaced as it missed. The laser fire from both sides was equally ineffective. It was in the exchange of nuclear missiles that damage was found. Acheron rocked slightly as it was buffeted by nearby nuclear blasts.

"Lead boast has ceased firing, assess probable mission kill based on lack of weapons," Sensors reported. The Engineering Watch Officer was conferring with Weapons, and after a moment he turned and reported, "Spinal Mount sustained minor damage from nuclear blast. Power degraded, but still operational." The grimace stayed on the Captain's face.

The range between Acheron and the flight of SDBs shrank. "SDBs are closing to fusion gun range," Sensors called out. "Lead boat is dropping to reserve position." Exactly what they needed to do if they wanted to they were going to jury-rig their weapons back on line. "Target next boat," the Captain ordered.

The exchange of fire went as before for Acheron; the lasers flashed uselessly, the few batteries of fusion guns now able to range missed, the slightly-less-powerful spinal PA gun missed again, and the nuclear missiles struck the SDB which stopped firing. This time though, the rocking of nuclear blasts was also mixed with jarring jolts as enemy fusion guns hit home. Again, the Engineer and Weapons conferred. Weapons shook his head, then turned to report, "Spinal sustained further damage from nuclear blasts. Looks like at least one battery of missiles is also out of action."
The Captain looked at the holobowl. Ninety minutes remained until orbital insertion. They had come too far to turn back now. "Helm, continue to orbital insertion. Weapons, I want hits! Alert the Marine commander to prepare for combat landing. Remind him we don't want to stay long. And get the fighters ready!"

Time seemed to slow to a crawl, just like Acheron was slowing to enter orbit. Another exchange of fire, this time against the third SDB as the others moved off to effect repairs. On the visual display, the Captain could see flashes of light as the boat was peppered with lasers, fusion beams, missiles and the particle accelerator. When the massive PA hit, the SDB became a flash and then a small expanding ball of matter.

"SDB 3 vaporized!," Sensors reported. Weapons was smiling, the PA crew finally had hit and it made a difference. At last, a break in the battle in his favor, the Captain thought. "Helm, shape us a course to get near the reserve SDBs. Weapons, fire as you please!" But even as he ordered the breakthrough attack, Acheron rocked more violently than before. Weapons and Engineer rapidly exchanged information, but the Captain could see for himself on his displays that more weapons were falling off-line. Soon enough, Weapons reported, "Damage to PA gun again. We also lost another missile battery, as well as a battery of lasers, fusion guns, and sand." What was that old Solomani saying, the Captain thought, "Death by a thousand pin-pricks?"

Acheron flashed by the two remaining SDBs, raking the first one with fire. The particle accelerator connected again; and the SDB disappeared into an expanding ball of gas. The Captain's grimace almost turned into a smile; that is, until Sensors called out.

"Detecting six SDB reaching for orbit from the planet. Now looks like was also have three more inbound from the outer system. Total of nine additional SDBs tracked." The Executive Officer now stood next to the Captain and said, "Looks like they are committing everything. Going to be hard to get to the data banks."

The Captain grunted and nodded his head. "We aren't designed for a real combat landing. Tell the Marine commander to stand down, as well as the fighters." Louder he called, "Helm! plot us a single orbital pass then go for the jump limit. Navigation, get that jump plotted. Weapons, as we pass the planet your target priority is merchant shipping, then the SDBs. After we was pass the planet then you need to swat those SDBs so we can jump out." Acknowledgements came from every position.

In the next three hours, the Captain was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to take a shot at any shipping. It looked like it had all scattered, but the system defense boats kept harassing him. He made them pay though. By the time Acheron High Lightning jumped out of the Isseydo system, two SDBs were vaporized, five completely wrecked, and another two effectively mission-killed. The spinal mount on Acheron needed some repair work, along with a few batteries and a patch here and there in the fuel tanks. As the crew stood down from Battle Stations and assumed the routine jump space watch, the Captain started composing his report to the Admiralty. Though Acheron had failed to destroy any shipping, nor grab the data bank, the defenses of Isseydo had been weakened significantly. Another raid in a few weeks, maybe by a light carrier, could clean up the shipping.

This battle was fought using the combat rules in Classic Traveller Book 5: High Guard. The ships are taken from QuikLink Interactives Traveller's Aide #7: Fighting Ships and Traveller's Aide #9: Fighting Ships of the Solomani Confederation. The number of defending boats was based on stats derived from the Fifth Frontier War game. I had also planned to fight a ground action but after looking at the defenses (120 battalions of troops) against the AHL reinforced company of Marines, landing only a portion of the troops in the gunboat, I elected to pass on that sub-game.

The only HG2 rules modified were I treated flights of ships as separate entities and allowed them to have different ranges. Thus, in Round 7, the planet launched SDBs engaged at short range while the boats arriving from out-system fought at long. Seems more realistic to me.

The AHL-class fleet intruder had three missions: raid shipping, seize the data bank, and weaken system defenses. The intruder started two-hours (six rounds) away from the planet. The game was originally designed for 12 rounds plus however many more over the planet were necessary for the raid. After Round 3, the AHL aborted the raid, made a (relatively) high-speed pass of the planet, and then proceeded outbound to jump. To reflect this, I shortened the game to 11 rounds total (The AHL did not fire in the last round, but jumped away).

I was pleasantly surprised to see a few tactical lessons come through here; lessons that are often discussed in Traveller supplements like Sector Fleet. In fleet-level engagements, lasers are nearly useless as offensive weapons; better to be used as defenses. Missiles can eat away at ships but not get the "big-hit" against battle class ships. Spinal mounts are DEADLY! In ten rounds of combat, plus one breakthrough, the spinal scored seven hits (7 for 11) that resulted in five wrecked and two vaporized ships. The real damage came from the critical hits scored. The fighters were kept out of the battle because their small computers gave them a significant disadvantage when fighting the decent computer, high-agility SDBs. In hindsight the fighters should of been launched anyway to go after shipping. As it was, the SDBs kept the AHL engaged and there was only one breakthrough (Round 3). Though none of the lessons are "new," it is good to see them actually reflected in the game results.
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Would you mind posting the battery factors for the Sollie SDB design? And it's computer rating too?

The FLINT version of the AHL should have gone through a dozen SDBs like green corn through a goose.
Looks like a 300ton SDB of TL13, Armour 13, Computer 5, Agility 6, 1 Fusion Battery Factor 5, 1 Missile Battery Factor 3.
If that's the one then the Captain of the AHL should be court martialled for cowardice under fire.

Under HG rules as written the AHL wins easily and can then support the ground action with ortiillery.
The company is not intended to take on all 120 defence batalions, just the troops guarding the objective.

Looks like the Captain just failed his re-enlistment roll...
Looks like a 300ton SDB of TL13, Armour 13, Computer 5, Agility 6, 1 Fusion Battery Factor 5, 1 Missile Battery Factor 3.

Thanks Dan. I'll see if HG2 can make it or if it's a purely T20 design.

At first glance, nukes from the FLINT AHL's 24 Factor-9 missile batteries should do the job against the SDBs quickly. The cruiser's computer DM and SDBs' size DM nullify each other while the SDBs' agility make the To Hit target an 8. Penetration is even easier. The SDBs' fusion gun battery cannot stop a missile hit and the boats have no dampers. For damage rolls we're looking at a +7 on the Surface Explosion, +13 on the Radiation, and no rolls on the Critical tables for mostly weapons hits. The SDB's are already nearly toothless against the AHL so a few weapons hits should render them irrelevant.

The Ramparts should do well against the SDBs too, as should the FLINT's Factor-9 fusion gun batteries if the range allows.

Anyway, seeing as the cruiser was on a mission to damage and/or destroy merchant shipping, the Sollie SDBs should have been ignored. When we also remember that Traveller weapon ranges mean ships outside of an Earth-size planet's 100D limit can target ships in that planet's orbit, the FLINT's battery assignments should have gone like this:

Round One - Launch 40 fighters. Spinal mount targets orbital infrastructure (highports, etc.) or high value merchant. Missile batteries target all SDBs at two batteries per boat, remainder target merchants. Fusion batteries held for anti-missile role. Lasers target merchants. Sandcasters held for anti-missile/laser role. Two fighters target each SDB, remainder target merchants.

Round Two - Launch 20 remaining fighters. All weapons targeted in same manner. As number of engaged SDBs varies, the number of missile and fighters assigned to SDB will vary too.

Round Three - Nearly all SDB batteries should be degraded enough not to threaten cruiser. All fighters and missiles released to anti-shipping role. Fusion guns used against merchants is range allows. Other battery assignments remain the same.

The cruiser should remain at Long range with respect to the planet thanks to the usual planetary defense batteries. Without the presence of any Sollie warships or monitors, the AHL should trash the joint. Remember, damaging a merchantman is just as good as destroying one. The cruiser and her fighters shouldn't be plinking Beowulfs and subbies either. There are sure to be vessels which are the Sollie version of the Arekut Mammoth and the 10,000 dTonImperial transport from MT.

Thanks Dan. I'll see if HG2 can make it or if it's a purely T20 design.

At first glance, nukes from the FLINT AHL's 24 Factor-9 missile batteries should do the job against the SDBs quickly. The cruiser's computer DM and SDBs' size DM nullify each other while the SDBs' agility make the To Hit target an 8. Penetration is even easier. The SDBs' fusion gun battery cannot stop a missile hit and the boats have no dampers. For damage rolls we're looking at a +7 on the Surface Explosion, +13 on the Radiation, and no rolls on the Critical tables for mostly weapons hits. The SDB's are already nearly toothless against the AHL so a few weapons hits should render them irrelevant.

Just to make sure I wasn't doing any of this wrong....

Damage rolls for nuclear missiles should be +13 on BOTH Surface and Radiation Damage Tables ("Apply armor of the defending ship as a +DM against all weapons on the surface explosions table and all but meson guns on the radiation damage tables.").

What computer does the Rampart have? In CT Supplement 5 they have a computer USP of 1. Taken with the lack of a bridge the computer is "treated as one level lower in combat" (HG p. 34 Construction-Small Craft-The Bridge and Computer). So relative computer size and agility alone give a -11 DM...making a hit impossible.

As far as the SDBs...using the Fusion Gun at Close Range is a base hit number of 6. Computer and size cancel. To penetrate the sandcasters is base 10 with a DM of +2 because of an energy weapon (meaning a roll of 8+ penetrates). Damage Table modifier is +5 (armor) and +6 (less than Factor-9) for a total of +11.

What did I miss/confuse/mistake?
What did I miss/confuse/mistake?

Just a couple of things...

Nukes get a -6 DM on the Surface Explosion damage table, which is one reason they're such a great choice for smaller ships with smaller battery sizes against low or no factor dampers.

The SDBs were able to win more initiative rolls and get to Close range - the only range at which fusion guns work - because you inexplicitly failed to launch fighters and gave away the +1 "number of ships" DM.

Finally, check out the missile weapon matrix page again and check on how agility effects To Hit rolls. There's a reason SDBs are primarily attacked via bombardment rolls in FFW and I:E.
Solomani Propaganda....

Thanks Whipsnade! I carefully reviewed what I did during the battle and discovered I had committed a major error! The reason it appeared to me the FLINT was taking lots of damage was because I was (erroneously) reducing the USP instead of the batteries when hit! Dooh!

After a careful review of battle recordings, the Sector Fleet Commander desires it to be known that the RAID ON ISSEYDO is in fact a Solomani fabrication. The Imperial Navy wishes to reassure the public the cowardice under fire reported is not in keeping with the finest traditions of the Imperial Navy and in the very unlikely event an incident such as described did occur the ship's Captain would be dealt with most harshly.