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HGS 1.14 beta 15 uploaded


For those who are interested I've just uploaded the latest beta of my HGS Ship design program. This version adds support for T20 powerplants. As usual any error reports are *very* much appreciated.

Please note, there is still very little error trapping on the T20 design components.
Yes their is still the ever present invalid integer erroid when you try to change TL hope you get that fixed
Originally posted by Chron:
Yes their is still the ever present invalid integer erroid when you try to change TL hope you get that fixed
Next build I promise. In the meantime there are two workarounds.

1) Don't delete the old tech level, just select and type over

2) Use the up and down arrow keys to change the tech level.
Originally posted by Chron:
Yes their is still the ever present invalid integer erroid when you try to change TL hope you get that fixed
You'll be please to know that the error (which also affects the tonnage and budget edit boxes) has now been hunted down and fixed for the next build.
Thanks, Andrew,

This is great news! Gotta question, though: Does it print out a T20-style ship stat ard format? If not, when do you think such might be in the works?

Downloading now,
Originally posted by Flynn:
Thanks, Andrew,

This is great news! Gotta question, though: Does it print out a T20-style ship stat ard format? If not, when do you think such might be in the works?

Downloading now,
It doesn't output in the T20 style yet. That will come after I'm sure the actual design rules are working
Andrew, thanks so much for your hard work, I really appreciate it. I can use a computer alright, but couldn't program my way out of a wet paper bag...

I second Father Fletch's thanks and adulations. Your work on this project is very muchly appreciated!

Thanks very much,

Much better; power plants seen to be handled properly now. (though I'd like to know how it;s dealing with M-drive/J-drive power use and so forth.)

One small item: T20 allows multiple purification plants to speed processing but that's not an option here. how is the program handling this 9the old HG method, I'm assuming.)
I noticed that the Fighter in the T20 book AS IS presented their can only make +4 Agility is their a design error in your program or is it another piece of errata to the T20 THB ?
Originally posted by Chron:
I noticed that the Fighter in the T20 book AS IS presented their can only make +4 Agility is their a design error in your program or is it another piece of errata to the T20 THB ?
I'll assume its an error in the program until I've proved its not
Originally posted by Tom Schoene:

Much better; power plants seen to be handled properly now. (though I'd like to know how it;s dealing with M-drive/J-drive power use and so forth.)

One small item: T20 allows multiple purification plants to speed processing but that's not an option here. how is the program handling this 9the old HG method, I'm assuming.)
At the moment it just calculates the total power generated and then subtracts the M-Drive power use from it, ie the EP generated label displays the total EP and the EP remaining label displays the EP remaining after everything (incl. the MDrive) has been subtracted.

The JDrive power is not yet fixed. It will be an error message that will display when you have insufficent EP for the JDrive.
Out of curiosity what is the deal with the T20 huge powerplants anyway .. my Book2/5 designs become big fat ladies when ever I try to convert to t20.. and anyway nice job on the software.
I just downloaded the HGS 1.14 and it seems to not work on WinXP

Here is my system:
P4 1.6
256 DDR ram
Nvidia geforce3 ti200

When I start the software I get a "'100.000' is not a valid floating point value", I click ok and I get in the tool, afterward, if I try anything, I get "access violation at address 00470044 in module 'Hgs.exe'. Read of address 00000008"

Can you help me?

Also, once a ship is completed, is it possible to easilly adapt the resulting ship to T20?

Beholder, right click on the TCS and HGS icons, go to properties and then the compatability tab. There set it to run under Win95 or 98. I had no problems.
Originally posted by Andrewmv:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Flynn:
Thanks, Andrew,

This is great news! Gotta question, though: Does it print out a T20-style ship stat ard format? If not, when do you think such might be in the works?

Downloading now,
It doesn't output in the T20 style yet. That will come after I'm sure the actual design rules are working
Please leave in the print out the way it is but add in a choice to print as the T20-style format.I myself like the T20 printing out in the HG style.
Originally posted by Beholder:
I just downloaded the HGS 1.14 and it seems to not work on WinXP
Hi sorry about the delay in responding (just got back from my annual escape to "somewhere without power let alone internet access").

I see someone has suggested a solution, did this work?
Originally posted by WarriorKnight:
Please leave in the print out the way it is but add in a choice to print as the T20-style format.I myself like the T20 printing out in the HG style.
I always try to add extra options without removing anything existing:)
Originally posted by Andrewmv:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Beholder:
I just downloaded the HGS 1.14 and it seems to not work on WinXP
Hi sorry about the delay in responding (just got back from my annual escape to "somewhere without power let alone internet access").

I see someone has suggested a solution, did this work?
</font>[/QUOTE]I have no problem with it on Win XP (which must then be quite a infuriating bug then)