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Hi, Noob to the forum. Communication systems in Traveller.

The MgTs usually have spacecraft radio and vehicle radio defined in their respective High Guard and Vehicle rulebooks. Haven’t cracked open the Central Supply Catalog for MgT2 but wouldn’t be surprised there is a section there.
Any suggestions for the best resources on communication devices and their effective ranges?
T4's(Marc Miller's Traveller) Fire Fusion and steel rule set gives you rules for radio with many options like directional, frequency hopping, and so on as well as giving you the rules to calculate volume, mass, area, power usage, and cost.
The same goes for laser communicators and meson communicators, ranges from a few km for grav vehicle mounts to 1000AU systems. Tech level built at affects all of the stats.
T4's(Marc Miller's Traveller) Fire Fusion and steel rule set gives you rules for radio with many options like directional, frequency hopping, and so on as well as giving you the rules to calculate volume, mass, area, power usage, and cost.
The same goes for laser communicators and meson communicators, ranges from a few km for grav vehicle mounts to 1000AU systems. Tech level built at affects all of the stats.
That sounds promising, thank you.
I always thought that any Comm system going through Jumpspace would move at Jump-36. Which is the max level of Jumpspace according to MegaTraveller.

Communicating at 36 parsecs in a week would change the dynamic of Traveller significantly. But only until you build ships that can have a Jump-36 drive.
I've always liked how TNE has a maser comms which has infinite range.

Good luck getting a timely response from further than the next system.
Modulate a signal on a turret laser. 250MW and an unrealistic lack of beam dispersion, and there you have it. Receiver is the "We're being shot at!" laser detector.

Timely is relative.
I always thought that any Comm system going through Jumpspace would move at Jump-36. Which is the max level of Jumpspace according to MegaTraveller.

Communicating at 36 parsecs in a week would change the dynamic of Traveller significantly. But only until you build ships that can have a Jump-36 drive.
T5 had (until fixed in a later edition) a way to send a yes/no message at Jump-28 across the X-Boat network, or Jump-42 across a Jump-6 network.

Parking a ship larger than a ship that has jumped, on its jump origin point at any time prior to normal jump exit, would bring the jumped ship back to its origin at the end of 7 days in Jumpspace.*

XBoats can't misjump, so the reasons for a scheduled ship to not arrive are that it either was not sent, or was recalled.

"Step on" the jump origin point for the ship that's about to arrive (having left six days ago), and the "message" of it's absence happens in under a day, at Jump-4 distance. That is, the message traveled Jump-4 in one day -- one-seventh the time required by a Jump-4: Jump-28. (At Jump-6, it's 7x6= Jump-42.)

There are additional delays if you want signal confirmation, and options for using parallel J-4 scheduled routes to send 2-bit signals, and so forth.

Basically, the yes/no message has to be pre-defined, and worth interrupting an entire day's worth of message traffic for.

And it doesn't work any longer, at least as the rules are now written.

*Pretty sure it was originally to justify really large combatant ships (use 'em to bring back hostiles to finish them off, and you need a larger ship than your adversary to be able to make it happen or not happen). T5.2 has an awkwardly-worded paragraph on it, which looked to me as though they were rules-lawyering this trick out of existence.
Modulate a signal on a turret laser. 250MW and an unrealistic lack of beam dispersion, and there you have it. Receiver is the "We're being shot at!" laser detector.

Timely is relative.
That's one way of doing it, yes.
Perhaps as a "the *actual* maser comms are out" manuever...:p

Timely does have a range of frames, but after "it's gonna be a few years to get a response," some of them will be moot points.