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High Guard 5 / Battle Class Ships


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Taking a page from High Guard 1 (1979), I started thinking about how Traveller5 can be used to total up the effective power of weapons.

Consider a ship with ten dual barbette particle accelerators. A dual barbette inflicts 10 dice; thus, ten B2s inflict up to 100 dice.
Ten 50t bays would inflict 200 dice. Ten large bays, 300 dice.

What you end up with is a set of damage progressions. Map each of those to attack factors by weapon type, and you have something reminiscent of HG1.
I have a simpler proposition for HG2, part of that CT/HG thing.

Attack factors are ALL reduced by one factor per 100,000 km, and increases by 1 attack factor per 10,000 km below 100,000 km.

Missile attack factors increase by 1 per 5 cumulative vee achieved at hit. When missiles can be designed up to 10G, this can add up.

Bay weapons can fire as batteries, each bay that adds onto a bay battery shot increases the attack factor by 1. Batteries bearing rules apply to how many bays can join a battery.

Armor level completely stops attacks at the same factor or less (except obviously meson weapons, screen acts as normal).

Armor volume is multiplied by x4 for missiles, x3 for small craft, x2 for ACS to 1000 tons, normal for midrange ships, +1 armor factor for the +1 ships and +2 for the +2 size ships.

Damage is expressed in tonnage, calced by the Black Globe absorption values, 1EP equals 10 tons.

Course this doesn't work with HG damage tables as is, I have one table with different 1D/1D+3/1d+6/2D rolls applied based on weapon type, spinal/nuke or radiation. I also have meaningful hull damage and different damage effects, including critical damage is not destroyed but disabled and radiation can do damage to hull and fuel in addition to computers, weapons and crew.

The other thought is just translate to Imperium/FFW values if you want that scale a game, with each counter representing a ship if you are not wanting to do big battles.