Maybe some High Guard(2nd ed) veterans could help me with some rules questions.
1. Battle Formation Step
When a ship in the "reserve" launches small craft, are these small craft automatically assumed to be in the reserve(like their carrier), or can the player assign them to the "line of battle" right after launch?
2. Initiative Determination Step
a) Do players roll 1d6 or 2d6 for Initiative?
b) There is a Initiative DM of +1 for "having more ships in the line of battle"; are small craft considered for the purpose of determining who has more ships?
c) There is a Initiative DM of +1 for "having the faster fleet"; are all ships considered in this case, or only those in the "line of battle"?
Are small craft considered for this DM?
3. Pre-Combat Decision Step, Emergency Agility
HG2, p.39:"The ship may still use its computers and screens."
HG2, p.28:"A ship may voluntarily refrain from using any weapons or SCREENS which require energy points..."
I guess the rule on page 28 is the correct one for Emergency Agility (i.e. no use of energy using screens allowed)?
4. Breakthrough Step
HG2, p41:"A breakthrough occurs if all of one player's line of battle ships have been rendered incapable of firing any offensive weapons."
Are small craft considered for the purpose of determining a breakthrough situation?
I.e. can a single undamaged fighter in the line of battle stop an enemy breakthrough?
5. Damage Step, Damage Results
a) I guess a "Power Plant disabled" result has the same consequences as a "Fuel Tanks shattered" result (no ship systems requiring energy may operate)?
b) Does the "minimum 10 ton fuel reduction" rule for the "Fuel-n" result applies to small craft too?
For most small craft it would mean the same as a "Fuel Tanks shattered" damage (i.e. a mission kill)?
Thank you!
Maybe some High Guard(2nd ed) veterans could help me with some rules questions.
1. Battle Formation Step
When a ship in the "reserve" launches small craft, are these small craft automatically assumed to be in the reserve(like their carrier), or can the player assign them to the "line of battle" right after launch?
2. Initiative Determination Step
a) Do players roll 1d6 or 2d6 for Initiative?
b) There is a Initiative DM of +1 for "having more ships in the line of battle"; are small craft considered for the purpose of determining who has more ships?
c) There is a Initiative DM of +1 for "having the faster fleet"; are all ships considered in this case, or only those in the "line of battle"?
Are small craft considered for this DM?
3. Pre-Combat Decision Step, Emergency Agility
HG2, p.39:"The ship may still use its computers and screens."
HG2, p.28:"A ship may voluntarily refrain from using any weapons or SCREENS which require energy points..."
I guess the rule on page 28 is the correct one for Emergency Agility (i.e. no use of energy using screens allowed)?
4. Breakthrough Step
HG2, p41:"A breakthrough occurs if all of one player's line of battle ships have been rendered incapable of firing any offensive weapons."
Are small craft considered for the purpose of determining a breakthrough situation?
I.e. can a single undamaged fighter in the line of battle stop an enemy breakthrough?
5. Damage Step, Damage Results
a) I guess a "Power Plant disabled" result has the same consequences as a "Fuel Tanks shattered" result (no ship systems requiring energy may operate)?
b) Does the "minimum 10 ton fuel reduction" rule for the "Fuel-n" result applies to small craft too?
For most small craft it would mean the same as a "Fuel Tanks shattered" damage (i.e. a mission kill)?
Thank you!