Cross posted from the Comstar TAS Forum
This is my attempt at the Hiver Trader from CT and GT
Gixicih - Hiver Merchant Class Trader Designed by:
"400-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined
AC: 10 (12 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 145 Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 103.354 MCr (129.192 MCr without discount)
Model/2 (PP: 35/12) Computer Avionics: Less than 600-ton Sensors: Close Range Communications: Close Range
Cargo: 145.0-tons
Annual Maintenance = 10.335 KCr (5.168 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 2.584 KCr/Month (25.839 KCr per year)"
"Jump-2 (enough fuel for )
Acceleration: 1-G Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-12 Fusion ( EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-12, 8hrs per 200 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 875kph Cruising = 2,625kph Maximum = 3,500kph"
Active Defenses:
"Hardpoints: 2
Ship's Vehicles:
"1x 30-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn"
Accomodations & Fittings:
"15x Single Occupancy Stateroom (15 People)
1x Engineering Shop (20 Engineers)
1x Sickbay (2 Patients)
1x Autodoc
1x Airlock
Crew Details:
"1x Pilot
1x Astrogator
2x Engineer
1x Steward
1x Medic
This is my attempt at the Hiver Trader from CT and GT
Gixicih - Hiver Merchant Class Trader Designed by:
"400-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined
AC: 10 (12 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 145 Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 103.354 MCr (129.192 MCr without discount)
Model/2 (PP: 35/12) Computer Avionics: Less than 600-ton Sensors: Close Range Communications: Close Range
Cargo: 145.0-tons
Annual Maintenance = 10.335 KCr (5.168 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 2.584 KCr/Month (25.839 KCr per year)"
"Jump-2 (enough fuel for )
Acceleration: 1-G Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-12 Fusion ( EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-12, 8hrs per 200 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 875kph Cruising = 2,625kph Maximum = 3,500kph"
Active Defenses:
"Hardpoints: 2
Ship's Vehicles:
"1x 30-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn"
Accomodations & Fittings:
"15x Single Occupancy Stateroom (15 People)
1x Engineering Shop (20 Engineers)
1x Sickbay (2 Patients)
1x Autodoc
1x Airlock
Crew Details:
"1x Pilot
1x Astrogator
2x Engineer
1x Steward
1x Medic