Treecats for Traveller
Home Sector/subsector/world: where you want it; T.L. 0 (shaped stone/wood tools, woven plant fibers)
Carnivore (omnivore); Pouncer (gatherer) [Arboreal]; Communal (Sentient)
Int 5-8 (I.Q. 80-110); Str 2-3; Dex 8-12; End 4-6; Hits: 3d (2d); Move 2x (both on ground and in trees)
Size [Males]: Length 1-1.5m (.5-.75m body); Weight 8-15 kg
Size [Females]: Length .75-1.25m (.4-.6m body); Weight 6-12 kg
6 legs (2 true-feet, 2 hand/paws, 2 true-hands); Prehensile tail; 3 fingers/toes + 1 opposable thumb
Natural Weapons: Claws (~2 cm) 1d+1 (2/4 attacks); Teeth 1d-1
Lifespan: ~250 years [very young 0-25y, adolescent 26-40y, young adult 41-50y]; age rolls @ 150y, 6+ on 2d each 10y
Psi: 5-7 (some females can reach 9): Telepathic (own species); Empathic (most sentient species); can form empathic bond with some humans (those with 9+ Int, strong positive moral sense); Empathic sensing range ~50km (very distant)
Can learn to understand verbal language, but unable to vocalize complex sounds. Can learn to use sign and symbol-based languages.
Appearance: eyes are yellow-green to deep emerald; pointed ears and narrow muzzle; soft, multi-colored fur over entire body; colors are cream to medium brown base, tan to black stripes, patches, etc; rings on tail (form at 5-year intervals starting at 20y).
"All your celery belong to us."- Motto of the Treecat Liberation Army.