Badbru wrote:
"Yep, thanks Larson..."
Mr. Badbru,
No problem, glad I could help for once!
"They're (the AHL-class cruisers - LEW) quite popular as they pop up in most versions of Traveller that I've seen, somewhere in there you'll find at least a reference to them."
Exactly! Those AHL deckplans have been recycled into more adventures than you can shake a stick at. ISTR them being used in a Challenge magazine amber zone set at an Imperial Research Station.
The AHLs are big, the 3I built a lot of them, and they've gone on to various 'post-Navy' careers too. The IISS owns a few, Oberlindes uses one as a freighter in the Vargr Extents, another is used as a high speed courier twixt Terra and Sylea (hauling special wines and coffee for the Emperor along with more prosaic items!), a few have been lost, and the Zhos even managed to 'steal' one. You can toss an AHL-class cruiser into your campaign without nearly a thought as the ships are like mice in the waincotting - they're everywhere!
"Yep, thanks Larson..."
Mr. Badbru,
No problem, glad I could help for once!

"They're (the AHL-class cruisers - LEW) quite popular as they pop up in most versions of Traveller that I've seen, somewhere in there you'll find at least a reference to them."
Exactly! Those AHL deckplans have been recycled into more adventures than you can shake a stick at. ISTR them being used in a Challenge magazine amber zone set at an Imperial Research Station.
The AHLs are big, the 3I built a lot of them, and they've gone on to various 'post-Navy' careers too. The IISS owns a few, Oberlindes uses one as a freighter in the Vargr Extents, another is used as a high speed courier twixt Terra and Sylea (hauling special wines and coffee for the Emperor along with more prosaic items!), a few have been lost, and the Zhos even managed to 'steal' one. You can toss an AHL-class cruiser into your campaign without nearly a thought as the ships are like mice in the waincotting - they're everywhere!