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How Does Navy, Merchants, and Scouts get a 7 on the Cash Table?


SOC-14 1K
An obscure question, and I'm probably missing something obvious....

But in Book 1 you can roll on Mustering Out Table 2 (The Cash Table)

Every prior service has a roll ranging from 1-7 for a D6 roll. If a PC has Gambling he can add +1 to the roll. However, only Army, Marines, and Other can get Gambling.

So why do the Cash Table columns for Navy, Merchants, and Scouts go to 7? Is there a way from someone from those branches to roll a 7 on Table 2?
An obscure question, and I'm probably missing something obvious....

But in Book 1 you can roll on Mustering Out Table 2 (The Cash Table)

Every prior service has a roll ranging from 1-7 for a D6 roll. If a PC has Gambling he can add +1 to the roll. However, only Army, Marines, and Other can get Gambling.

So why do the Cash Table columns for Navy, Merchants, and Scouts go to 7? Is there a way from someone from those branches to roll a 7 on Table 2?

If you look at the cash benefit chart, the values for a roll of 6 or 7 are the same for the Navy, Merchants, and Scouts, 50,000 Credits for the Navy and Scouts, with 40,000 Credits for the Merchants. The lowest cash benefit for the Scouts is 20,000 Credits, which is much higher than the lowest benefit for all of the other careers.

If you check out the Marines, Army, and Other, the amount received for a die roll of 7 is higher, in the case of the Other significantly higher, than a die roll of 6. The Scouts cash benefit is actually quite generous, with a minimum amount from 3 rolls of 60,000 Credits.
If you look at the cash benefit chart, the values for a roll of 6 or 7 are the same for the Navy, Merchants, and Scouts, 50,000 Credits for the Navy and Scouts, with 40,000 Credits for the Merchants. The lowest cash benefit for the Scouts is 20,000 Credits, which is much higher than the lowest benefit for all of the other careers.

If you check out the Marines, Army, and Other, the amount received for a die roll of 7 is higher, in the case of the Other significantly higher, than a die roll of 6. The Scouts cash benefit is actually quite generous, with a minimum amount from 3 rolls of 60,000 Credits.

Does not answer OP. Tried to look in the Classic Traveller Eratta (using the link from the FFE page, something that Don McKinney maintained.) THAT LINK IS BROKEN. So I cannot check the eratta.

IF someone has a printout or saved the file locally prior to the link breaking, could they please check this to answer the OP?
Does not answer OP. Tried to look in the Classic Traveller Eratta (using the link from the FFE page, something that Don McKinney maintained.) THAT LINK IS BROKEN. So I cannot check the eratta.

IF someone has a printout or saved the file locally prior to the link breaking, could they please check this to answer the OP?

Thanks for mentioning this. But I had already checked the Errata... there is no mention of the matter in those pages.
An obscure question, and I'm probably missing something obvious....

But in Book 1 you can roll on Mustering Out Table 2 (The Cash Table)

Every prior service has a roll ranging from 1-7 for a D6 roll. If a PC has Gambling he can add +1 to the roll. However, only Army, Marines, and Other can get Gambling.

So why do the Cash Table columns for Navy, Merchants, and Scouts go to 7? Is there a way from someone from those branches to roll a 7 on Table 2?

If you have either one of
  • "Gambling expertise" (usually read as Gambling 1+)
  • Retired (5+ terms completed)
You roll on the table at +1.
CT B1-77 p9
CT B2-81 p14
In both cases, read the notes below the MOB tables.

Note also: In Bk2-77, scouts and others are not prohibited from retiring, so retired scouts are possible. They just don't get retirement PAY.
Bk2-77, p.21: "Retirement pay is not available to characters serving in the Scout or the Other service."
Bk2-81, p.23: "Retirement pay is not available to characters who have served in the scout or the other service."
Not "Retirement is not available" but "Retirement pay is not available"...
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If you have either one of
  • "Gambling expertise" (usually read as Gambling 1+)
  • Retired (5+ terms completed)
You roll on the table at +1.
CT B1-77 p9
CT B2-81 p14
In both cases, read the notes below the MOB tables.

Note also: In Bk2-77, scouts and others are not prohibited from retiring, so retired scouts are possible. They just don't get retirement PAY.
Bk2-77, p.21: "Retirement pay is not available to characters serving in the Scout or the Other service."
Bk2-81, p.23: "Retirement pay is not available to characters who have served in the scout or the other service."
Not "Retirement is not available" but "Retirement pay is not available"...

Hi Aramis,

Thanks for the reply.

The weird thing is, you just gave the exact reply I offered someone over on G+ when this issue came up. (Up to and including the explanation that not getting retirement pay is not the same thing as not being able to retire.)

However, when I went back to find the citations for "Retired (5+ terms completed) You roll on the table at +1 in either edition of Book 1 I couldn't find the quote again. (I did find a passage that says that if you reach rank 5 or 6 you can add a +1 to Table 1 -- but that doesn't help on the Cash Table.)

So I had come to believe I had invented the "If you Retire you can get a +1 to your roll." But maybe I didn't! Can you point me to the passages where one gets a +1 on the Mustering Out tables if one Retires? Thanks!
I guess you had a mixup with MT, where prospecting or being retired also give a +1 to the cash table (BTW, as a side note, see that even while I guess no one allows those +1 to be additive, nowhere to my knowledge says they are not).

I don't remember this +1 for having retired to be true in CT.
+1 for being retired is not in CT 77 edition, 81 edition TTB or ST, nor does it appear in LBB:7 as far as I can find electronically, I will check through dead tree editions to see if it made it to a late printing.

It is mentioned in CTS:4 CotI however that +1 may be taken if you are retired:
A maximum of three rolls on table 2 are allowed per character; all remaining rolls must be
made on table 1. Individuals with gambling skill or who have retired are allowed a DM of +1 on
table 2 (the DM is not cumulative).
page 6 footnote to table 2
A maximum of three rolls on table 2 are allowed per character; all remaining rolls must be
made on table 1. Individuals with gambling skill or who have retired are allowed a DM of +1 on
table 2 (the DM is not cumulative). Barbarians cannot retire.
page 8 footnote to table 2.
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Hi Aramis,

Thanks for the reply.

The weird thing is, you just gave the exact reply I offered someone over on G+ when this issue came up. (Up to and including the explanation that not getting retirement pay is not the same thing as not being able to retire.)

However, when I went back to find the citations for "Retired (5+ terms completed) You roll on the table at +1 in either edition of Book 1 I couldn't find the quote again. (I did find a passage that says that if you reach rank 5 or 6 you can add a +1 to Table 1 -- but that doesn't help on the Cash Table.)

So I had come to believe I had invented the "If you Retire you can get a +1 to your roll." But maybe I didn't! Can you point me to the passages where one gets a +1 on the Mustering Out tables if one Retires? Thanks!

I've added a separate skills table that allows for LBB4+ skills to be acquired in an otherwise regular LBB1/S4 chargen. It's INT 8+ and for a few careers that don't have gambling I put it in that extra table.
If you have either one of
  • "Gambling expertise" (usually read as Gambling 1+)
  • Retired (5+ terms completed)
You roll on the table at +1.
CT B1-77 p9
CT B2-81 p14
In both cases, read the notes below the MOB tables.

Note also: In Bk2-77, scouts and others are not prohibited from retiring, so retired scouts are possible. They just don't get retirement PAY.
Bk2-77, p.21: "Retirement pay is not available to characters serving in the Scout or the Other service."
Bk2-81, p.23: "Retirement pay is not available to characters who have served in the scout or the other service."
Not "Retirement is not available" but "Retirement pay is not available"...

The rank 5 or 6 bonus is strictly for the "stuff" tables:

CT B2-81 actual quote: "Characters with rank 5 or 6 may add +1 to their rolls on this table. Gun and blade benefits must be declared by type immediately; additional benefits of that type may be declared as skill."

The quote that reflects the "money" table: "A maximum of three rolls are allowed on the cash table; all remaining rolls must be on the benefits table. Individuals with gambling expertise are allowed a DM of +1 on the cash table."

Sorry, can't locate my CT-B2 77 at this time.
Does not answer OP. Tried to look in the Classic Traveller Eratta (using the link from the FFE page, something that Don McKinney maintained.) THAT LINK IS BROKEN. So I cannot check the eratta.

IF someone has a printout or saved the file locally prior to the link breaking, could they please check this to answer the OP?

The most recent consolidated Errata for Classic Traveller that I have is dated 02/01/14, as is more recent that Version 8. I have that in download on my computers in a couple fo places, so I could upload it. Neither version has anything with respect to the retirement tables.

As for not answering the original post, there is no explanation for the lack of a +1 pm the cash retirement table. I checked both the digital and hard copy books for 1977 Traveller, 1981 Traveller, Starter Traveller, and the Traveller Book. All have the same thing. No bonus for Navy, Merchants, or Scouts.

Edit Note: The following quote comes from Book 6: Scouts, page 16.

Mustering Out: The mustering out procedure is used as indicated in Basic Traveller. Basic Traveller equivalent ranks (necessary for mustering out) are shown on the table of ranks.
Retirement: Scouts are not eligible for retirement or pensions.(Bold in the original.)
I have now checked through every copy of CT77, 81 TTB, ST that I own and not one of them has a +1 to the cash table for retirement.

I know the rule does exist in S4 CotI and have previously quoted it.

It does make it into the MT basic character generation sequence.

The only other place it may have appeared is in the Alien modules - I'll check them next.
I have now checked through every copy of CT77, 81 TTB, ST that I own and not one of them has a +1 to the cash table for retirement.

I know the rule does exist in S4 CotI and have previously quoted it.

It does make it into the MT basic character generation sequence.

The only other place it may have appeared is in the Alien modules - I'll check them next.

Perhaps it is used in S4 as the writers noticed the issue, then forgot to issue an official erratta notice?
So why do the Cash Table columns for Navy, Merchants, and Scouts go to 7? Is there a way from someone from those branches to roll a 7 on Table 2?

By being created with advanced CharGen (LBBs 5-7), where Gambling skill may be obtained and the Mustering Out tables are the same (except for merchants, where those tables are changed).

(I know this answer is quite restrospective, as then LBB1 was written this option was not on the table).
The most recent consolidated Errata for Classic Traveller that I have is dated 02/01/14, as is more recent that Version 8. I have that in download on my computers in a couple fo places, so I could upload it. Neither version has anything with respect to the retirement tables.


Consolidated Classic Traveller Errata (V1.2) is dated "03/31/15" and can be found in the first post of the CT Errata thread. Don kept updating the original link.

See what you think of posts made in that thread since.
There's this note in the errata:

CITIZENS OF THE IMPERIUM (310, Supplement 4, 1979)

Page 4, Retirement, Retirement Pay Table (omission): The Retirement Pay Table was inadvertently left out of
the book. Use the table below:

(table left out for this post)

Note: Barbarians, rogues and pirates are not eligible for pensions or retirement.

Supplement 4 only seems to mention Barbarians not being eligible for retirement with the statement:

Barbarians cannot retire.

There is no indication in the errata that the expansion of the +1 on the cash table for retirement applies to Book 1 careers.

All of the Alien modules have differing rules for how you gain the +1 to table 2.

Best guess is that when they looked at revising Traveller to turn it into MegaTraveller someone thought the CotI rule made more sense for the cash table.

Consolidated Classic Traveller Errata (V1.2) is dated "03/31/15" and can be found in the first post of the CT Errata thread. Don kept updating the original link.

See what you think of posts made in that thread since.

Thanks for the information. I have downloaded it.

But in Book 1 you can roll on Mustering Out Table 2 (The Cash Table)

Every prior service has a roll ranging from 1-7 for a D6 roll.

So why do the Cash Table columns for Navy, Merchants, and Scouts go to 7? Is there a way from someone from those branches to roll a 7 on Table 2?

If you look at the cash benefit chart, the values for a roll of 6 or 7 are the same for the Navy, Merchants, and Scouts, ...

Looks like the question of 'to roll a 7' is moot - result is the same. Most likely reason for 7 option then is simply (layout) consistency...

Is there a way to get +1 for these services is another question - and the answer appears to be no.
Looks like the question of 'to roll a 7' is moot - result is the same. Most likely reason for 7 option then is simply (layout) consistency...

Is there a way to get +1 for these services is another question - and the answer appears to be no.

It in't the same, however. 6 and 7 may be, but 1 and 2 aren't. Whatever method would let you roll a 7 also means you can't roll a 1, so the minimum would be 2.

That doesn't matter for Scouts (who get the same amount on both a 1 and a 2), but for Navy and Merchant characters, that means the difference between a Cr1000 and Cr5000 minimum roll.