Amber Chancer
Here's a little study I did, showing the effectiveness of spaceship armour at different factors, based on an analysis of the HG2 damage tables.
Factor 1: Significant reduction in risk of critical hits from nuclear weapons and spinal particle accelerators (except size-related critical hits)
Factor 2: Progressive reduction in size-related critical hits (other than those caused by meson weaponry) begins. Ships size S (200,000 - 299,999 tons) only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 4: Risk of critical hits from nuclear missiles and spinal particle acceperators (other than size-related critical hits) eliminated altogether. Progressive reduction in amount of damage done by non-spinal weaponry (other than pulse lasers) begins. Ships size R (100,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 5: Non-spinal weapons (other than nuclear missiles and pulse lasers) cannot cause M-drive damage, and can only roll fuel or weapon hits on the surface explosion table.
Factor 6: Radiation (other than from meson weaponry) cannot cause crew hits, and can only roll computer and weapon hits on the radiation damage table. Progressive reduction in amount of damage done by pulse lasers begins. Ships size Q (75,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 7: Pulse lasers cannot cause M-drive damage, and can only roll fuel or weapon hits on the surface explosion table.
Factor 8: Nuclear missiles and non-spinal particle accelerators cannot cause computer hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the radiation damage table. Ships size P (50,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 10: Progressive reduction in amount of damage done by spinal particle acceperators, and further progressive reduction in amount of damage done by nuclear missiles begin. Ships size N (40,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 12: Non-spinal weapons (other than nuclear missiles and pulse lasers) cannot cause fuel hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the surface explosion table. Ships size M (30,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 14: Non-spinal weapons (other than nuclear missiles and pulse lasers) totally ineffective. Nuclear missiles only capable of causing surface explosion damage. Pulse lasers cannot cause fuel hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the surface explosion table. Spinal particle accelerators cannot cause computer hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the radiation damage table. Ships size L (20,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 16: This and higher factors are only achievable in planetoid and buffered planetoid hulls. Pulse lasers totally ineffective. Ships size K (10,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 18: Nuclear missiles and spinal particle accelerators cannot cause fuel hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the surface explosion table. Ships size J (9,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 20: This factor only achievable in buffered planetoid hulls. Ship is invulnerable to everything except meson weaponry, and size-related critical hits from particle accelerators of +11 factors or more. Ships size H (8,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 1: Significant reduction in risk of critical hits from nuclear weapons and spinal particle accelerators (except size-related critical hits)
Factor 2: Progressive reduction in size-related critical hits (other than those caused by meson weaponry) begins. Ships size S (200,000 - 299,999 tons) only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 4: Risk of critical hits from nuclear missiles and spinal particle acceperators (other than size-related critical hits) eliminated altogether. Progressive reduction in amount of damage done by non-spinal weaponry (other than pulse lasers) begins. Ships size R (100,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 5: Non-spinal weapons (other than nuclear missiles and pulse lasers) cannot cause M-drive damage, and can only roll fuel or weapon hits on the surface explosion table.
Factor 6: Radiation (other than from meson weaponry) cannot cause crew hits, and can only roll computer and weapon hits on the radiation damage table. Progressive reduction in amount of damage done by pulse lasers begins. Ships size Q (75,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 7: Pulse lasers cannot cause M-drive damage, and can only roll fuel or weapon hits on the surface explosion table.
Factor 8: Nuclear missiles and non-spinal particle accelerators cannot cause computer hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the radiation damage table. Ships size P (50,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 10: Progressive reduction in amount of damage done by spinal particle acceperators, and further progressive reduction in amount of damage done by nuclear missiles begin. Ships size N (40,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 12: Non-spinal weapons (other than nuclear missiles and pulse lasers) cannot cause fuel hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the surface explosion table. Ships size M (30,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 14: Non-spinal weapons (other than nuclear missiles and pulse lasers) totally ineffective. Nuclear missiles only capable of causing surface explosion damage. Pulse lasers cannot cause fuel hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the surface explosion table. Spinal particle accelerators cannot cause computer hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the radiation damage table. Ships size L (20,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 16: This and higher factors are only achievable in planetoid and buffered planetoid hulls. Pulse lasers totally ineffective. Ships size K (10,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 18: Nuclear missiles and spinal particle accelerators cannot cause fuel hits, and can only roll weapon hits on the surface explosion table. Ships size J (9,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
Factor 20: This factor only achievable in buffered planetoid hulls. Ship is invulnerable to everything except meson weaponry, and size-related critical hits from particle accelerators of +11 factors or more. Ships size H (8,000 tons) and above only vulnerable to size-related critical hits from spinal meson guns.
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