Coffee some facts and an opinion + Coffee IMTU
Are you serious? Ok, well here goes . . .
I hope this doesn't sound too arrogant, it is not my intent to act like a professor or something, so if it sounds like that to any of you please know that wasn't my intention. You asked, so I am answering.
Coffee and nutrition facts:
Coffee is great and can be part of a nutritious diet. It has all kinds of anti-oxidants in it, so it helps keep you from aging and wards off cancer. As everyone knows, its a stimulant that helps wake you up and keep you going, literally. That's right, coffee aids the digestion and acts as a diuretic. Coffee enhances cognitive activity by reducing the effects of Adenosine, an inhibiting neurotransmitter. The caffeine in coffee helps you burn fat by increasing your metabolism and breaking down fatty acids in your tissues. There are studies that suggest coffee helps to prevent type II Diabetes, by helping to reduce blood-glucose levels. Other studies say, that Coffee may also lower the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Coffee is also supposedly good for the liver and helps lower the risk of Cirrhosis by helping the liver regenerate caused by alcohol and fructose (obviously if you are an alcoholic drinking coffee alone will not save your liver - you've got to get off the juice), but coffee may reduce the chances of liver cancer by up to 40% and up to 80% in healthy (non-alcoholic) individuals. Insurance actuaries say that drinking coffee may actually reduce a person's chance of dying (probably mostly by keeping them awake and aware). Finally, coffee contains lots of vitamins your body needs, like B5, B2, B3 and B1 as well as the minerals potassium and manganese.
All this is good provided you don't over-do it. More than 4 cups of coffee a day can cause anxiety, restlessness, sleeplessness, problems with the lining of the stomach an digestive tract and minor nerve problems (for some). If you have an allergy vs. coffee or certain health conditions, like kidney insufficiency due to high potassium intake, you should avoid coffee altogether.
Often it is not the coffee that is bad for you so much as what you eat/take with it. If you are a big fan of sugar in your coffee, you should probably watch your sugar intake. If you always eat cake, cookies, biscotti etc, with your coffee then watch those sweets! It's just common sense & basic nutrition really.
One last thing if you drink coffee you have to remember to drink more water, because of coffee's diuretic effects. This is especially the case in the summer.
End of lesson.
As for me, I like to drink unsweetened espresso. One cup in the morning to get me going and one around 15:00 to keep me going esp. at work esp. in the winter.
I grew up drinking American coffee, but started to dislike it after I moved to Europe. Coffee in the US is just brewed too weak and seems to have a burnt taste that I don't care for. Turkish or Arabic coffee is nice, but I like Italian coffees best. Brands like Illy or Ionica are the ones I buy.
I don't like Starbucks, but if I am in the US I might get an espresso there, because I can be assured of a certain standard, whereas if I got an espresso at "Bob's truckstop" I might get anything from motor oil, to coffee flavored water to something worse including a gunshot wound (The local culture where I am from tends to link drinking anything, but whiskey with snobby, limp-wristed, persons of European ancestory - a common prejudice.)
Coffee IMTU:
In traveller coffee is a commodity just as it was on Terra. I am certain that it is traded among the systems in the Solomani sphere and I would bet credits to doughnuts that if the Vilani didn't have a genetically similar plant that they probably had some other equally aromatic stimulating drink. And if that wasn't the case the practice probably spread as Solomani influence within the Imperium spread. So IMTU coffee is still a highly prized and often traded commodity and coffee trees have been spread to the stars. Even the Zhodani value it as a mild cognitive enhancer, but IMTU the Zhodani inhale their coffee with the use of an inhaler as often as they drink it.
Are you serious? Ok, well here goes . . .
I hope this doesn't sound too arrogant, it is not my intent to act like a professor or something, so if it sounds like that to any of you please know that wasn't my intention. You asked, so I am answering.
Coffee and nutrition facts:
Coffee is great and can be part of a nutritious diet. It has all kinds of anti-oxidants in it, so it helps keep you from aging and wards off cancer. As everyone knows, its a stimulant that helps wake you up and keep you going, literally. That's right, coffee aids the digestion and acts as a diuretic. Coffee enhances cognitive activity by reducing the effects of Adenosine, an inhibiting neurotransmitter. The caffeine in coffee helps you burn fat by increasing your metabolism and breaking down fatty acids in your tissues. There are studies that suggest coffee helps to prevent type II Diabetes, by helping to reduce blood-glucose levels. Other studies say, that Coffee may also lower the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Coffee is also supposedly good for the liver and helps lower the risk of Cirrhosis by helping the liver regenerate caused by alcohol and fructose (obviously if you are an alcoholic drinking coffee alone will not save your liver - you've got to get off the juice), but coffee may reduce the chances of liver cancer by up to 40% and up to 80% in healthy (non-alcoholic) individuals. Insurance actuaries say that drinking coffee may actually reduce a person's chance of dying (probably mostly by keeping them awake and aware). Finally, coffee contains lots of vitamins your body needs, like B5, B2, B3 and B1 as well as the minerals potassium and manganese.
All this is good provided you don't over-do it. More than 4 cups of coffee a day can cause anxiety, restlessness, sleeplessness, problems with the lining of the stomach an digestive tract and minor nerve problems (for some). If you have an allergy vs. coffee or certain health conditions, like kidney insufficiency due to high potassium intake, you should avoid coffee altogether.
Often it is not the coffee that is bad for you so much as what you eat/take with it. If you are a big fan of sugar in your coffee, you should probably watch your sugar intake. If you always eat cake, cookies, biscotti etc, with your coffee then watch those sweets! It's just common sense & basic nutrition really.
One last thing if you drink coffee you have to remember to drink more water, because of coffee's diuretic effects. This is especially the case in the summer.
End of lesson.
As for me, I like to drink unsweetened espresso. One cup in the morning to get me going and one around 15:00 to keep me going esp. at work esp. in the winter.
I grew up drinking American coffee, but started to dislike it after I moved to Europe. Coffee in the US is just brewed too weak and seems to have a burnt taste that I don't care for. Turkish or Arabic coffee is nice, but I like Italian coffees best. Brands like Illy or Ionica are the ones I buy.
I don't like Starbucks, but if I am in the US I might get an espresso there, because I can be assured of a certain standard, whereas if I got an espresso at "Bob's truckstop" I might get anything from motor oil, to coffee flavored water to something worse including a gunshot wound (The local culture where I am from tends to link drinking anything, but whiskey with snobby, limp-wristed, persons of European ancestory - a common prejudice.)
Coffee IMTU:
In traveller coffee is a commodity just as it was on Terra. I am certain that it is traded among the systems in the Solomani sphere and I would bet credits to doughnuts that if the Vilani didn't have a genetically similar plant that they probably had some other equally aromatic stimulating drink. And if that wasn't the case the practice probably spread as Solomani influence within the Imperium spread. So IMTU coffee is still a highly prized and often traded commodity and coffee trees have been spread to the stars. Even the Zhodani value it as a mild cognitive enhancer, but IMTU the Zhodani inhale their coffee with the use of an inhaler as often as they drink it.