Silly question...potatoes, corn, wheat, COCO BEANS, Tobacco, Poppys (med reasons), and dandylions just showed up one day.
and dandylions just showed up one day.
And the 'go to' food for law enforcement and emergency services everywhere.And of course, the donuts are highly addicting as well.
And the 'go to' food for law enforcement and emergency services everywhere.
Stuck at Class E starport and need a caffine and donut fix?
Ask at the local 'star cops' for directions.
Five different grades of Coffee:
Coffee ~ Freshly made
Java ~ Next day
Joe ~ Three days later
Jamoke ~ End of the week
Carbon Remover ~ Sunday before Monday
I admit it is an acquired taste...
Are there any vegetable-based drinks that are widespread in Traveller canon?
"While most food and product brands vanished into obscurity with the Long Night, a few survived. Most were long-established Vilani names often associated with one of the Bureaux, but a few Terran foods entered the broader vernacular. One of these, a blend of several Terran vegetable pulps and juices, quickly drifted in contents as supplies of authentic Terran foodstuffs ran out. In some cases, native substitutions were made, while in other areas one or more locally engineered Terran equivalents were available. Flavors began to drift within a few years in many areas, and by the time the Long Night lifted, the only thing linking these juice blends together was the name. Even that drifted in areas still strongly Vilani dominated, taking on Vilani typography. The origins of the Third Imperium would ensure that the Vilani version of the trademark would dominate early on, but by the 400s the persistent Terran trademarks and the distinctive flavor of the Terran original would begin to compete. The political and cultural shifts of the Civil War and Solomani Rim War would eventually hand the Vilani versions a nominal victory across most of the Imperium, where "B8" can still be found on store shelves and firstmeal tables in billions of households.
Is this a quote from Traveller canon, and if so, could you give a reference please?