Also, A-PAW weapons are discussed in JTAS for a high-tech method of stripping atmospheres and then erasing the planet surface. Meson guns are highly precise weapons of mass destruction on the battlefield - good for firing deep into bunkers, through mountains, heck, almost anything unless shielded by a black globe or meson shield.
I cannot agree with you more strongly.
There is lots and lots of non-nuke nastiness in the 57the Century just waiting to zap, crush, pulp, fold, spindle, and mutilate your unwary players.
The various types of spinal mounts you mention seem ho-hum until you remember that in 435 the Imperium used the everyday weaponry available in the fleet to punish the rebel world of Ilelish by
sterilizing the planet's entire equatorial region. It's said nearly seven centuries later the damage is still visible from space...
'Sup Strephon? Made any globe girdling deserts lately?
Meson guns alone have a thousand and one nasty uses and they don't just come in battleship sizes either. The Imperium's high-tech armored formations deploy meson gun "artillery" in gravitic vehicles which should be much easier the hijack than a
Plankwell-class dreadnought. When you've got a device that can project huge amounts of explosive energy through or into solid objects, Dr. Evil won't be asking anymore for sharks with frikkin' laser beams on their heads.
Look at volcanoes for example. If they're active or can be active, they've a magma chamber tucked a few kilometers below them. Contrary to Jules Verne, there isn't a subway tunnel of sorts connecting the volcano's crater with the magma chamber, but there is a zone of fractured rock which acts as a plug of sorts. When pressure builds enough, lava and other goodies can force their way through that fractured zone like water seeping through a sponge, so...
... what if the rock in question was fractured a little more?
Sounds like a job for a meson gun, doesn't it?
This would be a great terraforming tool, it could assist with mining too as Piper suggests in the opening chapter of
Uller Uprising.
It could also be used to really ruin someone's day or even someone's planet. Imagine someone goosing Mount Hood, Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and the rest of the Cascades to life. Or the monster lurking below Yellowstone.
Ever hear of mega-tsunamis? They happen when a BIG chunk falls off a volcanic island into the ocean. The island of Hawaii shed a piece about the size of Mount Everest 10,000 years back or so and what would become California got hit with a wave estimated to be a
kilometer high.
Surf's up, dude... Gnarly...
Anyway, a meson gun would be just the thing to "goose" a few more Everests loose, don't you think? Pick an island, run a few densitometer scans, map the existing faults, and then begin pecking away with meson blasts in the same manner ancient quarrymen used wooden wedges and water until the chunk in question slides off into the ocean.
And don't even get me started on what repulsors can be put too. Directed gravitic force beams used in missile defense? Or something far more Whipsnadian?