Actually, I chose the TL 12 line off the table.
TL15 has 15 tons of processing plant per 1000 tons of fuel, so half the size.
The actual rule says you can go 1/5, which quoting your 3 ton processor is what you would have for 200 tons or less. TL12 would be 6 tons.
This is a fishy rule that seems to have been developed with TCS campaigns in mind, without considering the "real" universe. Does a class C starport on a backwater world that is off the trade routes really have a million tons of fuel on hand? How much fuel is available at a class-A starport situated on a desert world in a system with no gas giants, and what does it cost?
To me, unless the system is a trade hub or has a naval base, you won't see huge quantities of fuel on hand simply because nobody but the Navy has fuel tanks in the thousands of tons.
What the rule doesn't cover is how much fuel is typically used per week and how quickly can it be replenished.
I would probably go with something like tonnage replenishment of 1% of the populace- so a 5 million person planet replenishes at 50,000 tons per week, a 5 billion at the full 2 million, and 5 people probably had a fleet, another planet in the system or subcontractor build up the reserve, or a special case of highly robotized tankers.
If the fuel is not replenished that quickly, it simply is a huge storage facility against need.
As to why, the TCS campaign itself explains- fleets require fuel, it likely is a national defense requirement in addition to being a qualifying facility for that starport rating.
Which brings to mind a possible dynamic, could be that the unwritten contract of the planetary surrender/no bombardment or abuse might have that fuel supply as a bargaining chip for both sides.
Act badly and the fuel supply is destroyed or tainted, or your planet is blown to hell. Act well and everyone gets what they want.
A planet decides to fight, has those meson gun sites, likely that fuel supply is rigged to detonate- or may need to be preserved for army/SDB use if there is not water on the planet and the rest of the system is cut off.
And the planet better win.