Folded Space Drive
Well in order to make my Big Bad aliens (Mind Flayers) really weird I gave them a FSD. Similar to J drives in that it takes one week to travel to outside observers, requires energy to make it work.
Is psionicly guided and activated? (Spelljammer perhaps)
Travellers arrive instantly from their point of view.
The effect can be extended to other ships.
The effect is restricted to relatively small tonnages (less than 1000)
The interior of the ship is lit, cooled, oxygenated and perhaps somehow powered by a pale green liquid that circulates throughout the ship in clear tubes.
I made it up on the spot last week and now I wonder how the dang thing works.
I know someone had ideas about this a few months ago but I was wondering if there were any other thoughts on the concept.
Main points:
1. It should not upset the balance of the universe.
2. It is not imperial tech compatible as the controls and “readouts” are partly telepathic in nature.
3. The ship is not a battleship but a Mind Flayer version of a 100 ton scout.
4. Somehow the MFs came to the TU from the 2ed DnD universe and can’t go home.
Well in order to make my Big Bad aliens (Mind Flayers) really weird I gave them a FSD. Similar to J drives in that it takes one week to travel to outside observers, requires energy to make it work.

Is psionicly guided and activated? (Spelljammer perhaps)
Travellers arrive instantly from their point of view.
The effect can be extended to other ships.
The effect is restricted to relatively small tonnages (less than 1000)
The interior of the ship is lit, cooled, oxygenated and perhaps somehow powered by a pale green liquid that circulates throughout the ship in clear tubes.
I made it up on the spot last week and now I wonder how the dang thing works.

I know someone had ideas about this a few months ago but I was wondering if there were any other thoughts on the concept.
Main points:
1. It should not upset the balance of the universe.
2. It is not imperial tech compatible as the controls and “readouts” are partly telepathic in nature.
3. The ship is not a battleship but a Mind Flayer version of a 100 ton scout.
4. Somehow the MFs came to the TU from the 2ed DnD universe and can’t go home.