I am planning some adventures around the PC's helping in disaster relief but what disasters call for interplanetary aid is stumping me. These will take place in milieu 0.
I need some disasters
1) Extraordinarily heavy solar flare activity destroys 99% of all electronics on a TL8 world throwing them back to TL4/5. Mass starvation, breakdown of governments, etc.
I am planning some adventures around the PC's helping in disaster relief but what disasters call for interplanetary aid is stumping me.
The other thing is that you're all thinking high-pop worlds, becasue you want a planet-wide disaster.
Some a bit beyond PC-scale?
Many lo-pop worlds exist, where a local (small-scale) disaster would be just as disastrous to the few inhabitants as a widespread disaster on Earth. Heinlein's "Farmer in the Sky" comes to mind, when the terraforming plant on Mars get taken out (meteorite? can't remember) and the atmosphere cools down to below -50 deg C.
In other words, the PCs may be able to help out even more readily in the same sorts of localised disasters as occur on Earth - Haiti, Samoa, east coast USA? Battledress can be used to rescue trapped people, rather than as a weapon, for once. (IR sensors, acute hearing, strength to lift rubble, etc). Now imagine a merc company in S&R mode...
The part I bolded is why you're stumped. It's also why most of the suggestions made in this thread won't work.
I'm going to disagree slightly. They won't work if you plan on hiring the PCs somewhere else and sending them to where they're needed after the fact.