David, I think that sounds pretty neat. An atomic-age world with access to 17 liter fusion+ powerplants would have a neat, unique feel to it. Zeppelins which can fly for a year before needing powerplant maintenance. For that matter, DC-3s which only refuel once a year. The Spruce Goose could be viable.
Yeah, I like it.
And you may have Luddites, who think things are progressing too fast... and Progressives who think things aren't moving fast enough... and they'll tangle with each other in the political arena... and that will spill over into private lives, which may result in duels and clan rivalries...
As I was reading the original thread I found this post to be an excellent one. Here Rob gave helpful suggestions. The original poster even took the fission idea and applied it to his final creation. Second the poster did not criticize the original poster there was no This cant be done or its not canon. He just pointed out some cool ideas if the original poster wanted them. I would love to see more like this. This how a community should work.