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Idea In development: Alien Artifact Starship



The image was supposed to be a gift to a friend who was running an Alien Artifact game where we encountered a drifting wrecked starship. Unfortunately, he passed away before I could send it to him....

So I was planning on trying to work up this ship as a setting for an exploration scenario limited to one rather large location.

General idea, exploration of massive alien possibly extra galactic starship that tears a path through several large powers and ends up loitering in a region near several major players...possible groups working together to explore the ship, keep it out of the hands of other power groups, and keep it from resuming it's path through the heart of the imperium.

The ship shows intermittent bouts of activity and there are some drones/robots coming and going harvesting materials from local area...including some unfortunate accidents involving mining stations and passing ships that seem to have ran afoul of the drones...the drones are confirmed as unmanned and automated after examining wreckage recovered by local scavengers/security forces.

Every so often the ship jumps to a new system stays stationary for varying lengths of time as it's drones harvest materials then jumps again...the range of the jumps makes tracking it hard since it can jump well outside the range of even long ranged scouts, and pursuit craft.

the actual interior would be the focus of the scenario rather than the ship as a vessel...it's easy to assume anything short of a squadron of Tigress with full escort would be wasting their time trying to assault the ship.

Obviously, a detailed exploration would be years in the process, and require a large survey team.

SoI am planning to keep it to a small "first in" team, basic quick once over, locate any living crew, determine nature and intent of the ship.

I would love som feedback. Ideas on how to handle mapping, creating encounters, and general guidelines on how to bring this overly ambitious idea into some sort of manageable package.

I would also like any "Negative" sugggestions..basically what I should avoid, and what tropes cliches to avoid.

My plan is to use smaller detailed maps for various chambers within the ship and general maps of larger sections. Since the design is highly modular with repeating sections I was thinking it would work.

As for actual stats, this beast is so big that it goes way outside the practical scale of most ships. one of the small pods attached to the spine is larger than the empire state building...roughly 75K ton each...if my math and information is accurate.

I am curious on ideas to handle actually mapping this beast out...it's basically a city in space so a detailed deck plan is right out ...

I am highly interested in what specific ship sections as players or GMs would be vital to the game, and what information would be less critical.

My to do list

Living module:
Entire neighborhoods packed into each of the modules along the spine...housing, life support, recreational area, hydroponic gardens still functional and full of both uncatalogued and familiar life forms.

engineering sections ( large central mass between spheres at back of ship)
mostly automated and just massive sections of TL-Wtf hardware with a few living sections for engineering crew, workshops and construction decks.

Drive Modules: (Big spheres at the back of ship)Massive "TL-wth?" rings within rings...powered down at the moment..no evidence of living areas or fuel sources. massive power cores at center of rings...

Spine modules: workshops automated refining and extraction drone, fighter drone hangers.

Forward sphere, command center, weapons, laboratories....possible indicating hybrid warship research ship.

Docking bays along rear spine...obviously meant for more modules and very large attached auxiliary vessels.

This isn't a short term project so will be working on it off and on again until after I have some other projects ready to go...so I wanted to try get input before settling in to do the bulk of the work.
Obviously, a detailed exploration would be years in the process, and require a large survey team.
While the scientific discovery related to such a ship will likely stretch over years, physically exploring it is not likely to take that long unless it is a true megastructure with constraints on cutting through walls.
For comparison sake, a two-story four-anchor shopping mall runs about 20,000 to 30,000 dtons of livable volume, with potentially that much volume again in service spaces within the building.

Ideas on how to handle mapping, creating encounters, and general guidelines on how to bring this overly ambitious idea into some sort of manageable package.

I would also like any "Negative" sugggestions..basically what I should avoid, and what tropes cliches to avoid.

Mapping down to personal effects and casual lootables is obnoxious regardless of ship size, but general room by room exploration mapping is only difficult if you let PCs get too far without challenges, and they feel they can roam freely beyond what you have prepared.

Every bulkhead space should be a distinct segment for exploration, and the idea of going through a new bulkhead into a completely unexplored sealed space should be both intimidating and enticing.

My plan is to use smaller detailed maps for various chambers within the ship and general maps of larger sections. Since the design is highly modular with repeating sections I was thinking it would work.


I am curious on ideas to handle actually mapping this beast out...it's basically a city in space so a detailed deck plan is right out ...

I am highly interested in what specific ship sections as players or GMs would be vital to the game, and what information would be less critical.

This is familiar territory to gaming: a Campaign Dungeon. A proper Campaign Dungeon can stand to be MUCH larger than a few hundred thousand dtons. Such things are more common in fantasy, of course, with examples like Castle Greyhawk, Rappan Athuk, Caverns of Thracia, and others, but there are SF gaming equivalents as well. Starship Warden (of Metamorphosis Alpha) comes to mind. Traveller even has one in recent memory: Hephaestus. You might pick that up and see what they suggest.

Other specific products to look at might include the GURPS Traveller book on Spaceports, which includes components and mapping advice for orbital megastructures, the similar book for Mongoose, and (if you can find it cheap) the Naval Architect book for T4 (not a terribly useful book for its stated purpose, but full of deckplan compartments that might be useful to you).
All I would ask is to make sure you have a story and an arc for the ship up front. The ship came from somewhere, is going to somewhere, and is doing it with some reasoning behind it.

Whether the players can discern it in their limited contact time is orthogonal to the alien ships mission. Specifically, the alien ship is on some mission that is logical to the aliens.

Have that all worked out before first contact, as it will help guide you should the players disrupt that mission somehow. It also gives all of the robots and what not things to do. They may simply ignore the players, as long as they're not destructive etc.

But having the ships history and mission helps make the rest of the scenarios write themselves, and provides a consistent backdrop for the players to work with.

Don't worry too much about cliché's. Everything is gorged with them. They glue the interesting stuff together. When it's all cliche, when it's predictably cliche, that's when the issues come in.

But if the first thing the players see is a dark, cold corridor with something dripping, where the lights don't work, and the flashlights flicker -- heck, that's just good story telling.
The pods on the central spine - I count four per segment and twenty segments.
The bit I find interesting is that back half is missing pods.
are the pods ships themselves so the missing ones are off doing something else?
are the pods some sort of colonisation device or weapons system, and it has used half of them already?
are the pods actually specimen collection areas and new ones are built as the ship gathers specimens from new culture before returning home?

What are the blue spheres? Are they part of the ships power system, are they some sort of weird alien biospheres?

The big claws at the back - are they so it can anchor itself to a comet or asteroid so that it can then harvest said object?

Leave its origins a mystery - that way referees can include it as they see fit. Alternatively try to convince Marc to make this thing part of the OTU.
My thoughts about origins:
a relic from the first starfarers
one of the last relics of a long dead/evolved/transcended TL singularity culture (see T5)
a ship built by a race living in a jump dimension sent to explore our universe
looks like a job for a party of mega-characters. the imperium would find/reactivate the best it could and send them immediately.

along with the vargr, zhodani, and aslan, and solomani if they're in range. and perhaps a few new races following the ship trying to regain control of it, or perhaps a few new races trying to OBtain control of it ....

heh. the best characters multiple races and empires can muster, thrown at an unknown problem and at each other. now THAT would be a great game.
The big claws at the back - are they so it can anchor itself to a comet or asteroid so that it can then harvest said object?

it's the part of the power plant that exists in this dimension, holding the power plant that exists in another dimension.
All I would ask is to make sure you have a story and an arc for the ship up front. The ship came from somewhere, is going to somewhere, and is doing it with some reasoning behind it.

Whether the players can discern it in their limited contact time is orthogonal to the alien ships mission. Specifically, the alien ship is on some mission that is logical to the aliens.

Have that all worked out before first contact, as it will help guide you should the players disrupt that mission somehow. It also gives all of the robots and what not things to do. They may simply ignore the players, as long as they're not destructive etc.

But having the ships history and mission helps make the rest of the scenarios write themselves, and provides a consistent backdrop for the players to work with.

Don't worry too much about cliché's. Everything is gorged with them. They glue the interesting stuff together. When it's all cliche, when it's predictably cliche, that's when the issues come in.

But if the first thing the players see is a dark, cold corridor with something dripping, where the lights don't work, and the flashlights flicker -- heck, that's just good story telling.

I have a very arc in mind...I personally love a bit of background and a solid rationale for a major piece in a scenario/campaign myself. it isJust more fun for everyone if the setting has a little depth.

Ah, yes the standard bits and pieces sci-fi/game lovers almost expect. they can be used to advance a story, or play on suspicions, fears, and paranoia of players as well. Is that big leathery roundish thing i the middle of the room an alien egg waiting to give ya a big kiss and hug...orrrrr the alien version f a trash disposal... the plyers are gonna have their own instinctive reactions based on old tropes/plot standards...which can lead to some entertaining moments.

While the scientific discovery related to such a ship will likely stretch over years, physically exploring it is not likely to take that long unless it is a true megastructure with constraints on cutting through walls.
For comparison sake, a two-story four-anchor shopping mall runs about 20,000 to 30,000 dtons of livable volume, with potentially that much volume again in service spaces within the building.

Mapping down to personal effects and casual lootables is obnoxious regardless of ship size, but general room by room exploration mapping is only difficult if you let PCs get too far without challenges, and they feel they can roam freely beyond what you have prepared.

Every bulkhead space should be a distinct segment for exploration, and the idea of going through a new bulkhead into a completely unexplored sealed space should be both intimidating and enticing.

This is familiar territory to gaming: a Campaign Dungeon. A proper Campaign Dungeon can stand to be MUCH larger than a few hundred thousand dtons. Such things are more common in fantasy, of course, with examples like Castle Greyhawk, Rappan Athuk, Caverns of Thracia, and others, but there are SF gaming equivalents as well. Starship Warden (of Metamorphosis Alpha) comes to mind. Traveller even has one in recent memory: Hephaestus. You might pick that up and see what they suggest.

Other specific products to look at might include the GURPS Traveller book on Spaceports, which includes components and mapping advice for orbital megastructures, the similar book for Mongoose, and (if you can find it cheap) the Naval Architect book for T4 (not a terribly useful book for its stated purpose, but full of deckplan compartments that might be useful to you).

Thanks for the references I can look them over ad see how it was handled by people who know what they are doing:)

As I have it in my head the pods on the spine are skyscraper-sized..so I can use a little of a typical skyscraper might as a source..obvious differences but some general ideas

Sounds a bit like "Stargate Universe", but I'd buy an adventure/setting like that.

The pods on the central spine - I count four per segment and twenty segments.
The bit I find interesting is that back half is missing pods.
are the pods ships themselves so the missing ones are off doing something else?
are the pods some sort of colonisation device or weapons system, and it has used half of them already?
are the pods actually specimen collection areas and new ones are built as the ship gathers specimens from new culture before returning home?

What are the blue spheres? Are they part of the ships power system, are they some sort of weird alien biospheres?

The big claws at the back - are they so it can anchor itself to a comet or asteroid so that it can then harvest said object?

Leave its origins a mystery - that way referees can include it as they see fit. Alternatively try to convince Marc to make this thing part of the OTU.
My thoughts about origins:
a relic from the first starfarers
one of the last relics of a long dead/evolved/transcended TL singularity culture (see T5)
a ship built by a race living in a jump dimension sent to explore our universe

Those questions would be first thing on the minds of anyone exploring the ship. Right after, okay is it full of slime dripping, face stealing mind eating aliens with shady plans for my person.

I have a couple of options I was bouncing around,
a) they had a purpose at one time but are now empty.
b) they have a purpose, what was there is still out there and might be coming back

I had an idea of crewing the ship with a lot of automatons, drones and occasionally having the ship itself react to player actions...not to the point every time they pick up a bowl up off a table sort of reactions but responding to major actions of the party/player...allthought the idea of a small drone that follows them around trying to "tidy up" after them and return items to the proper places if they move them,including a tug of war over the odd trinket they put int the specimens pack would be amusing...

The first version lacked those big claws at the back. Then I had a bit of an inspiration. It's actually one of the features that had a solid purpose materialize when I was playing around with the design.
They are multi-use objects. which may have a very direct impact on how the scenario unfolds depending on how the party interacts with the ship.

One image that played out in my head was the big ship flipping over as a Group of ships it has had a violent clash with at some point in the past approaches and it uses them to "unleash hell on the unclean."

I loved my girlfriend's response to the added pincers..she's an avid game/movie buff but not exactly a big sci-fi buff..and she looked at the printout and went.."Eww creepy"..followed by "What are the pincers for?"

so if it draws that response from someone who isn't a big starship buff I think it's a good thing :D

I am toying with the origins ideas, I don't want to be so specific the GM has no wiggle room, that's never fun.

What I would love to do is offer a series of options for the origin, objectives, and purpose of the ship. Let the Referee have several to pick from or make up his own.

major areas of the ship might have features that vary depending on what the purpose of the ship is...such as a chamber/section being filled with lab equipment,cargo bays, or a hanger for some wicked looking drones that have a definite military purpose, depending on which option they are using.

that approach layers on a whole new level of complexity/work. However, I think it would be a great option.

looks like a job for a party of mega-characters. the imperium would find/reactivate the best it could and send them immediately.

along with the vargr, zhodani, and aslan, and solomani if they're in range. and perhaps a few new races following the ship trying to regain control of it, or perhaps a few new races trying to OBtain control of it ....

heh. the best characters multiple races and empires can muster, thrown at an unknown problem and at each other. now THAT would be a great game.
that would definitely be a great setup, a small highly skilled team going inside with several teams making entry at different locations as they try to plant the flag for their respective patrons.

Ya not only have t be concerned with what's native to the ship, but what,or who was on that Vargr corsair latched onto segment 12. It would also give people outside the ship something to d as more onlookers, lookieloos start to trail the ship...and of course thats dreaded "OH @#%& is that a Zodani heavy cruiser squadron that just jumped in" moment.

Reminds me of LEXX...
Definately one of my favorite BIIIGGGG ships, but so is The Even Horizon and the discovery, I like the long-stemmed hull look. I hated that they never showed more of the Lex than a few chambers, it had so much potential as a design.

A few of my favorite episodes/scenes of Atlantis and Universe were of the teams just trying to figure out hat the heck all that stuff did. No world threatening apocalyptic scenarios..just trying to figure out what was what.

Overall some of my inspirations for the scenario I am slowly forming is based on Rendezvous with Rama, Ringworld, and Event Horizon. I love that sort of scenario.

Also,I would be most inclined to adding a bit of horror/suspense/creeping horror as an option. The whole alien artifact big as a major city setting just screams for it.

Giving a dark/macabre/horror option as well to play with, as well as the straightforward sci-fi exploration and discovery angle would be something I would love to play with as a Referee myself.
If you want more of the "explore the ship and figure out what it does" sort of stuff why not put the players at odds with the ship? That is, the ship is actively opposing them, or trying to divide them, assimilate them, or the like... Sort of a haunted house in space thing...
If you want more of the "explore the ship and figure out what it does" sort of stuff why not put the players at odds with the ship? That is, the ship is actively opposing them, or trying to divide them, assimilate them, or the like... Sort of a haunted house in space thing...

I have that option open, the problem i the ship i huge, ha a metric butt load of resource available, and i far more advanced than anything in the Imperium or other stellar powers. It would be tricky to keep it from turning into a run screaming or hide scenario.

if the resistance is scaled to the party it kind of becomes an MMO without the nifty graphics and computer support. instead of the ship simply sending everything it has at the group it for some inexplicable reason send it' resource sin piecemeal.

The other option is to have the ship disabled, or damaged in some way limiting its ability to respond...which is an option. It would take a bit of finesse to make the ship powerful enough to resist a mass boarding without being too powerful for a small group to deal with.

It occurs to me that it could be a potential source of resistance without being overtly hostile... if I included hazards such as internal defense systems to be bypassed r neutralized, dangerous areas that force the group to get creative, the ship becomes a bit of a threat without being an actual opponent.
You could have different areas of the ship controlled by different AI computers or subroutines which react in different ways. If the ship is large enough and the player party is small is its main control even aware of them? Think of the antibodies in your body fighting an infection.
Excellent as always, Wbyrd, and greedily saved by me to my Vault of Traveller Goodness.

As for "filling" a ship so large, there's the canonical example of the Loeskalth/Sky Raiders for starters.

You can also check out Robject's thought provoking thread on how to build Primordial cities. (How I wish I'd been here when that one was active!)

Finally, how about a freight/stores/spares angle? Large sections of the ship are given over to huge tanks, voids, spheres, and whatnot used to store various solids, liquids, and gasses even in pure form or in odd compounds. The best part of this is there doesn't need to be an explanation or reason. Your explorers come across a cluster of spheres holding 50K dTons of colloidal graphite suspended in an argon-nitrogen mixture. Why? Who knows? But it will take up plenty of space!

I have that option open, the problem i the ship i huge, ha a metric butt load of resource available, and i far more advanced than anything in the Imperium or other stellar powers. It would be tricky to keep it from turning into a run screaming or hide scenario.

While cheesy, you could set up things so that the players need to board the derelict; i.e. misjumped, need fuel, air, water, cocktail weenies, etc.

if the resistance is scaled to the party it kind of becomes an MMO without the nifty graphics and computer support. instead of the ship simply sending everything it has at the group it for some inexplicable reason send it' resource sin piecemeal.

The other option is to have the ship disabled, or damaged in some way limiting its ability to respond...which is an option. It would take a bit of finesse to make the ship powerful enough to resist a mass boarding without being too powerful for a small group to deal with.

Use the "immune system" analogy; proportionate response to threats. Small parties doing small things are almost beneath the notice of the ship's internal defenses while large parties or a mass boarding triggers a huge and nasty response. Having the ship respond proportionately to the players' actions mean that adopting the usual dungeon crawl "blast, kill, & loot" strategy will only bring the hammer down while a less "vigorous" and "acquisitive" exploration style could allow the players to explore with little danger.

It occurs to me that it could be a potential source of resistance without being overtly hostile... if I included hazards such as internal defense systems to be bypassed r neutralized, dangerous areas that force the group to get creative, the ship becomes a bit of a threat without being an actual opponent.

Leaving internal defense systems aside, what if the ship's "biosphere" is hostile by nature? Think Shadows with it's corrosive atmosphere and constant tremors. What if the internal atmosphere is poisonous? Or the local gravity high? Or a local radiation field the Builders thought pleasant and which will eventually fry humans? The ship or portions of it could be environmentally nasty rather than overtly/actively nasty.
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I have that option open, the problem i the ship i huge, ha a metric butt load of resource available, and i far more advanced than anything in the Imperium or other stellar powers. It would be tricky to keep it from turning into a run screaming or hide scenario.

if the resistance is scaled to the party it kind of becomes an MMO without the nifty graphics and computer support. instead of the ship simply sending everything it has at the group it for some inexplicable reason send it' resource sin piecemeal.

Just make the responses subtle. Stuff like the computer system is all in a language no body has a clue about. Even when they figure it out everything has a password or three to get at it.

Or, the equipment is not laid out for ease of human use. Many devices require two or three people coordinating their efforts carefully to do it.

They find compartments that are inexplicable in function. The crazier the better.

The other option is to have the ship disabled, or damaged in some way limiting its ability to respond...which is an option. It would take a bit of finesse to make the ship powerful enough to resist a mass boarding without being too powerful for a small group to deal with.

If it's "abandoned" wouldn't this be the case?

It occurs to me that it could be a potential source of resistance without being overtly hostile... if I included hazards such as internal defense systems to be bypassed r neutralized, dangerous areas that force the group to get creative, the ship becomes a bit of a threat without being an actual opponent.

If it were me, it'd be subtle, not obvious. A slow decline in life support. Undecipherable controls and systems. Spaces that have some use but what? Some of these turn out dangerous because that's what they're for, like say a combat simulator...
Others are potentially dangerous if improperly used or operated.
Systems require something like "keys" to operate only the key(s), in whatever form they are, aren't present. Now the players have to go on a scavenger hunt.
The ship's response could be it sees the players as an infection or infestation and tries to remove it with the least amount of effort and what would be disturbance to the intended crew. So, maybe at first some cleaning robots show up and repeatedly try to clean up the players, continually bumping them, getting under foot, and generally just being horribly annoying. Sort of an attack of the Roomba's... When that doesn't work... :devil:
Have you ever looked at or seen or own a copy of the first edition of Metamorphosis Alpha? The generation ship Warden would make a good Alien Artifact ship, with a few modifications.
Excellent points one and all.

I like the idea of separate AI for various sections. I am thinking that they are secondary systems to the main system which is behaving erratically or has shut down for some reason.

and I especially like the idea of the cleaning/service bots making themselves a nuisance...

Sanitation bot decides the player is in need of scrubbing, begins spraying him with disinfectant and suds...
"Frank, just stand still and let it work..you needed a bath days ago."
I like the idea of separate AI for various sections. I am thinking that they are secondary systems to the main system which is behaving erratically or has shut down for some reason.

Not to get all Virus-y, but imagine the AIs controlling the separate areas of the ships have mutated and some parts of the ship happen to be at war with other parts of the ship.
That's gotta be one of the coolest alien ships I've ever seen! :cool:
It does indeed look quite creepy. Perhaps instituting a FEAR attribute and morale mechanics would add to the insettling nature of the unknown (tech and/or biologicals).

Frankly, if Mathilda May isn't onboard, I don't know if I'd bother exploring it. ;) (Google Image search her at your leisure. I'll wait...)


Maybe the "claw" captures asteroids, planetoids/planetessimals, comets, bodies from the Kuiper Belt or Oort Cloud, and breaks them down for fuel.

Being an OCD Mapping Maniac, were I the one to have invented that vessel, I would have immediately drawn up detailed deckplans, but, if it's on the scale of an Executor Class super star destroyer, I understand the intimidation factor in that undertaking.

Have you ever looked at or seen or own a copy of the first edition of Metamorphosis Alpha? The generation ship Warden would make a good Alien Artifact ship, with a few modifications.

I second this. The 1st Ed. of MA is a rich goldmine of great ideas for massive vessels -- generation ships or otherwise.

Sanitation bot decides the player is in need of scrubbing, begins spraying him with disinfectant and suds...
"Frank, just stand still and let it work..you needed a bath days ago."

Or, instead of suds, a dissolving acid, making them break down into a blob of organic goo, then disappearing -- like that scene early in Logan's Run (1976).
Very late to this thread, and really have nothing to add now, except to say: this is some good stuff!

"ANNIC NOVA" was, I think, my first introduction to SF RPGs; I'm not certain, but it might well have been my first experience of doing RPG at all.

What's more magic than a derelict and alien spaceship?