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General If anyone needs an Oracle for Solo Playing Traveller...

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Can't remember if I posted this here or not.

This is an Oracle for Solo Role-playing. You might remember this from when you were a kid. You ask a question and shake the Magic 8 Ball. Then turn it over and your answer is on the bottom. There was a large d20 inside the 8 Ball with answers instead of numbers on each side. These are the answers. I'd like to see more Solo Players on the forum. There's a lot of info that people could use here.

Magic 8 Ball Oracle
Ask a Question and Roll 1d20

1.) (Yes) ● It is certain.
2.) (Maybe) ● Reply hazy, try again.
3.) (Yes) ● As I see it, yes.
4.) (No) ● Don't count on it.
5.) (Yes) ● It is decidedly so.
6.) (Maybe) ● Ask again later.
7.) (Yes) ● Most likely.
8.) (No) ● My reply is no.
9.) (Yes) ● Without a doubt.
10.) (Maybe) ● Better not tell you now.
11.) (Yes) ● Outlook good.
12.) (No) ● My sources say no.
13.) (Yes) ● Yes – definitely.
14.) (Maybe) ● Cannot predict now.
15.) (Yes) ● Yes.
16.) (No) ● Outlook not so good.
17.) (Yes) ● You may rely on it.
18.) (Maybe) ● Concentrate and ask again.
19.) (Yes) ● Signs point to yes.
20.) (No) ● Very doubtful.