Unlike the universe of Science Fiction, there is nowhere to go and nothing to do.
If I launched to the ISS (the only location currently equipped to support human life outside of the Earth), they would refuse admission ... it is not open to the public. So we first need to launch at least a Bigelow Inflatable Hotel in LEO.
The Moon and Mars are the same story, only more so. First we need to develop the technology to sustain life, then we need to construct it at the destination, then we can go there.
Just for fun, let's wave away all of the missing initial investment in developing and constructing a destination and say it just magically already existed. Everything that I read in the white papers indicates that other than millionaire tourism, no industrial case generates a ROI better than could be achieved on Earth. In other words, any Industry you could do in space appears to be more cheaply done investing that same money on Earth.
Just as an example, take the old Solar Power Satellites that were going to beam power back to Earth and support a reason for man in space. For the same investment, you could build more solar panels on Earth (at lower initial efficiency, but a fraction of the cost) and avoid needing lasers to beam the power and suffering the transmission losses associated with beaming power from space. The conclusion, Earth based Solar Power is cheaper and more efficient at the point of delivery than Solar Power Satellites. Of course, Nuclear power is cheaper than Solar and burning Coal is cheaper than Nuclear.
So far the quest for the "killer application" that will support space industry has been a bust. Thus there is nowhere to go and, once you get there, nothing profitable to do ... except millionaire tourism.
[... and I am not a candidate for spending $50 million for a space tourism experience.]
For those who might argue the price will come down, assuming 300 kg per person for the passenger and capsule, 10% payload mass fraction on the rocket and $4 per kg for the fuel, the cost to launch me to deep space (based only on the cost of fuel and a free rocket) is $12,000 (about Cr 3000 in Traveller). Still out of my price range for a one way ticket ... and I still have hotel costs at the destination.