It depends greatly on both what is really meant by “protected”, and by the assumptions of the rules you’re using. In HG you can’t protect a vessel from incoming fire, but as long as it can fire or manoeuvre (IIRC) a single ship can protect any number of others by being in the line of battle while they stay in the reserve.Originally posted by Rupert:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hal:
Another point to be brought up regards to HG issues versus GURPS TRAVELLER (abbrev as GT) issues:
GT - ships use a hex grid system.
HG - Does not
GT - has rules for sensors and detection.
HG - requires the rules from either Megatraveller or CT
points to consider: When talking about a ship being "protected" - are 6 ships surrounding it enough?
In TNE’s Battle Rider and Brilliant Lances rules a single ship can protect another from incoming missiles by staying in the same hex or nearby and shooting down the missiles (until the missiles saturate its defences). However if “protect” means holding the enemy well away you’ll probably need more than six ships unless you have plenty of sensor drones and independent missiles (which are rather expensive). [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Points well taken. GURPS TRAVELLER, like Mayday, requires that missiles move on the board. If the missiles end up passing THROUGH the hex of the defending escort two things have been accomplished.
1) the target ship now knows it is under attack.
2) if the escort ship has lasers to fire or sand to fire - it can target any of the missiles that are within range.
The rules for GURPS TRAVELLER missiles have changed dramatically since the first edition of GURPS TRAVELLER first edition. It now becomes harder for missiles to hit targets from further away.

Before I forget? Someone took the time to calculate the reload cost of a Tigress regards to her missile load. I was floored when I saw the price. A full missile load runs OVER 60 Billion Credits. That floors me when you try and consider what it must cost the Imperium to have a battle - and this without even the loss of a single ship!