Page 26, Fleets of the Imperium (clarification): There are several duplications of fleet numbers:
Fleet Number Location Recommendations
108 Old Expanses M and N [could be same fleet]
128 Reft E and Delphi M Delphi M = 118
179 Ilelish F and L Ilelish L = 189
193 Spinward Marches F and Deneb M
212 Spinward Marches B and Vland O
213 Spinward Marches C, Deneb B, and Corridor I
214 Deneb A and Corridor H
255 Corridor G and Lishun N Lishun N = 256
260 Deneb N and Antares A
Fleet numbers remaining unused are: 131, 303, 309, 310, 312, 315.
Page 27, Fleets, second paragraph (clarification): The breakdown of the Corridor Fleet given here does not
match the map on the previous page; the 16th, 27th, and 70th Fleets are in Fornast sector, while the 41st Fleet is in
Zarushagar sector.