SOC-14 1K
In my Traveller Universe...
Star Wars D20 Saga Rules.
Jedi base class and force-related prestige classes removed.
Force Sensitivity feat replaced with Psionics feat.
'Use The Force' skill replaced with 'Use Psionics' skill.
'Use The Force' skill abilities replaced with Psionic abilities (Telepathy, Telekenesis, Mental Strike, psionic shield etc) based loosely on T20 Psionics.
Zhodani are Zhodani but look like 40K Tau and are also renamed as Tau.
Vargr are gone. Possibly replaced with GZG's new race, the Ixx.
Aslan remain but look like Vorox from Fading Suns.
Droyne replaced with Sung from T2300.
K'Kree may remain. Not sure.
Hivers remain.
Also added are Vrusk and Dralasites from Star Frontiers and Tyranid from 40K.
Jump times may remain as 1 week. Not sure.
Yet to see if it works.
Star Wars D20 Saga Rules.
Jedi base class and force-related prestige classes removed.
Force Sensitivity feat replaced with Psionics feat.
'Use The Force' skill replaced with 'Use Psionics' skill.
'Use The Force' skill abilities replaced with Psionic abilities (Telepathy, Telekenesis, Mental Strike, psionic shield etc) based loosely on T20 Psionics.
Zhodani are Zhodani but look like 40K Tau and are also renamed as Tau.
Vargr are gone. Possibly replaced with GZG's new race, the Ixx.
Aslan remain but look like Vorox from Fading Suns.
Droyne replaced with Sung from T2300.
K'Kree may remain. Not sure.
Hivers remain.
Also added are Vrusk and Dralasites from Star Frontiers and Tyranid from 40K.
Jump times may remain as 1 week. Not sure.
Yet to see if it works.