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Ine Givar

Thanks Easterner9504! I think I only have a couple best of GURPS JTAS. I wonder if there is some info in GURPS "Behind the Claw."

I recall it was founded by a republican idealist named Ine Givar
Ah so the movement is named for a person? I was hoping it had some esoteric meaning like "Falange" The Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive (Spanish: Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista, FE de las JONS), known simply as the Falange.

I was sort of starting out CT cannon first, since my focus is a before FFW Spinward Marches campaign in conjunction with the boardgame. The GURPS books have so much info in them that they are a little daunting.

Hey Hans! Thanks for your input. I saw some of your postings on SJ forum when I did a Google search for the IG. That would be great if you could find your notes on your PGFL. I'll eventually peruse Adventure 9, I want to get through the TNS postings, Amber Zones then start to really go over the Zhodani stuff.
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Ah so the movement is named for a person? I was hoping it had some esoteric meaning like "Falange" The Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive (Spanish: Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista, FE de las JONS), known simply as the Falange.
It's similar to the way the Sandinistas were named after Augusto Cesar Sandino and the Zapatistas were named after Emiliano Zapata.

Alternatively, this might not be the name the organization calls itself, but rather the name the Imperial authorities give it, in the same way that the British forces named the Lehi (Israel's Freedom Fighters) "Stern Gang" after it's leader Avraham Stern.

EDIT: Oh, did you know that the Stern Gang tried to get support from Nazi Germany during WWII?
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It's similar to the way the Sandinistas were named after Augusto Cesar Sandino and the Zapatistas were named after Emiliano Zapata.

Thanks Golan! That eases my disappointment and makes a lot of sense!

Alternatively, this might not be the name the organization calls itself, but rather the name the Imperial authorities give it, in the same way that the British forces named the Lehi (Israel's Freedom Fighters) "Stern Gang" after it's leader Avraham Stern.

Very interesting thought!

And thanks for more historical notes, I've enjoyed your information! Interesting stuff about the Lehi, the more I read the more I am intrigued.

As a group that never had over a few hundred members, Lehi relied on audacious but small-scale operations to bring their message home. They adopted the tactics of groups such as the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Combat Organization of the Polish Socialist Party in Czarist Russia,[37] and the Irish Republican Army, which had overcome Britain to gain Ireland's independence. To this end, Lehi conducted small-scale operations such as assassinations of British soldiers and police officers and Jewish "collaborators." Another strategy, adopted in 1946, was to send bombs in the mail to many British politicians. Other actions included sabotaging infrastructure targets: bridges, railroads, and oil refineries. Lehi financed their operations from private donations, extortion, and bank robbery.
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A synopsis of what I have so far

Ine Givar

An anti-colonial movement against the Imperium on worlds that had been independent or in the Zhodani sphere of influence before the Imperium moved into the Spinward marches.The movement is pretty much confined to the Spinward Marches except for a few agents and provocateurs throughout the Imperium. The main guerrilla movement seems to be on Efate.

From the Spinward Marches Campaign book
In the years before the war, there were ample symptoms of tension. The most obvious was the Zhodani support of the guerrilla insurgency on Efate. As evidence came in not only financial and propaganda support for the Insurgency, Imperial actions against the guerrillas on Efate also increased.

The Siege of Efate: The Zhodani battle plan always centered on Efate. The strategic position of Efate would give the Zhodani a salient into the Regina subsector, even as the Imperials have a salient into the Jewell subsector.

In the years before the war, Zhodani-funded guerrillas had mounted an ever-escalating insurrection on Efate. This operation was intended to soften up the world in preparation for war, and to provide a foothold on the world surface when the invasion began.

FFW rules
Guerrillas: The Zhodani player has at his disposal the forces of the Ine Givar - a guerrilla movement fighting against the Imperium on a number of worlds.

Zhodani Order of Battle
Ine Givar Guerrillas
The Zhodani player places the ten guerrilla units before any other units are deployed. At least three must be placed on Efate, and a least one must be placed on Ruie. The remaining six may be placed on any Imperial controlled worlds that have defense battalion factors and are not interdicted; they may be placed singly or in groups.

I didn't see anything about having to place a guerrilla unit on Roup.

Interesting that these guerrilla units can't be placed on a interdicted world.
According to the 5FW game there are 10 Ine Givar guerrilla units of which at least 3 must be on Efate and at least 1 on Ruie. Each equivalent to 10% of that worlds defense battalions. So each Efate unit has a strength of 10% of 1K = 1C and each Ruie unit has a strength of 10% of 2K = 2C.

If you then look at the "Defense Battalions for a Specific World" table (which occurs in several places, including JTAS 10) then you can see that a 1C unit from a TL 13 world (such as Efate) requires the support infrastructure of pop 7 ... for ease let us say it is 10 million ... and the same for a 2C unit from a TL 7 world (such as Ruie).

IMTU I chose to have 5 units on Efate. This means 5 x 1C = 500 battalions of guerrillas, which implies 50 million people on Efate are materially pro-Ine Givar. (‘Material’ as in providing significant physical and/or financial support, not just donating the odd credit when a collection tin is passed around.) Admittedly only a small percentage of the total population but still a lot of people. And if you want to say that the bulk of the support is more casual then the number of supporters could be multiplied by 10 = half a billion pro-Ine Givar supporters on Efate (not such a small percentage).

For other worlds YMMV.
The article on the Ine Givar was published in pyramid mk2 in 1998 not JTAS but is still available through JTAS as http://jtas.sjgames.com/login/article.cgi?6. I wrote it and its not one of my better pieces IMO, definitely needs an "Imperium darkish" option. Yes the movement is named after a person, but not really the founder. I'd tend regard the article as "variant" myself, but some parts of it seem to have found their way into MgT canon.
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IMTU I chose to have 5 units on Efate. This means 5 x 1C = 500 battalions of guerrillas, which implies 50 million people on Efate are materially pro-Ine Givar. (‘Material’ as in providing significant physical and/or financial support, not just donating the odd credit when a collection tin is passed around.) Admittedly only a small percentage of the total population but still a lot of people. And if you want to say that the bulk of the support is more casual then the number of supporters could be multiplied by 10 = half a billion pro-Ine Givar supporters on Efate (not such a small percentage).
For other worlds YMMV.

Hey Hemdian thanks for your calculations, It had passed my mind that in gaming it might be advantageous to put more troops on Efate.

Yes I agree that must mean a larger amount of people are in support than the levies of troops willing and able to fight. A half a billion sounds right to me.
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Hey Andrewmv thanks for your input

The article on the Ine Givar was published in pyramid mk2 in 1998 not JTAS but is still available through JTAS as http://jtas.sjgames.com/login/article.cgi?6. I wrote it and its not one of my better pieces IMO, definitely needs an "Imperium darkish" option. Yes the movement is named after a person, but not really the founder. I'd tend regard the article as "variant" myself, but some parts of it seem to have found their way into MgT canon.

Could Ine Givar have been a martyr to the cause? I was thinking of Mangal Pandey
The attack by, and punishment of, Pandey is widely seen as the opening scene of what came to be known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857. He is referred as Shaheed (Martyr) Mangal Pandey in India.

I was wondering if It wasn't a woman's name?

Anyways since I don't have that information and its not in CT I'll leave my synopsis as it is then.

IMTU I was thinking of connecting the Ine Givar to some of the Psionic institutes, since they are already proscribed by the Imperium. Psionics would be great for a spy, guerrilla network and I would think that would tie them closer to the Zhodani.
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IMTU I chose to have 5 units on Efate. This means 5 x 1C = 500 battalions of guerrillas, which implies 50 million people on Efate are materially pro-Ine Givar. (‘Material’ as in providing significant physical and/or financial support, not just donating the odd credit when a collection tin is passed around.) Admittedly only a small percentage of the total population but still a lot of people. And if you want to say that the bulk of the support is more casual then the number of supporters could be multiplied by 10 = half a billion pro-Ine Givar supporters on Efate (not such a small percentage).
All FFW figures and rules are based on the implicit assumption that the population modifiers of all worlds are 1 (since population multipliers had not been introduced at the time). Efate has a population of eight billion; if you want to get into this level of detail, you may want to take that into consideration.

Ine Givar cells could be any where in the Imperium all it takes is a Zho handler. Outside the Domain of Deneb they might be called something else and in the areas around the Confederation they might pose as SolSec cells or operatives, how best to inflict damage on one while embarrassing another, even better a SSMM cell use TK on a machine to go haywire and leave a few pamphlets. :devil: Remember that Zho's think that the Imperial populace are "dirty, lying crooks" how do you think they feel about the "oppressive egocentric" Soli's. :D

These thoughts came from recalling Digest's scenario of the Zho spy leader Whocco Tehn (Number 1) only to run across him as Peter Athlos on Terra as leader of the Psi Institute (#13) causing trouble.
These thoughts came from recalling Digest's scenario of the Zho spy leader Whocco Tehn (Number 1) only to run across him as Peter Athlos on Terra as leader of the Psi Institute (#13) causing trouble.

Wow you are right, I just checked. I happened to have these issues. I hadn't thought to reference them. Thanks for pointing them out MCEvans!
Of all things I started to dig through the documentation of "The Zhodani Conspiracy" the first Megatraveller computer game.

Interesting there is some background history of the Spinward Marches Frontier wars that I haven't seen elsewhere. Specifically there was information about the Zhodani preparations for the Fifth Frontier war.

Notes from the Zhodani Conspiracy

The Fifth Frontier War

Unlike the previous Frontier Wars, the fifth started as a well-organized and planned offensive by the Zhodani and the Outward Coalition, which consisted of the Vargr and the Sword Worlds. The Zhodani plan called for the secret shipment of military weapons and armor to dissident guerilla units on select worlds within the Imperium. These elite Zhodani rebel forces planned surprise uprisings against targeted Imperial military bases. This would divert major groups of Imperial troops and starships, as well as the attention of the Imperium, as the Zhodani steadily increased their military forces in the Spinward Marches. Following the surprise uprisings, the Zhodani would launch their primary offensive against weakened and unprotected Imperial territories.

The Zhodani conspirators planned to smuggle arms to the dissident forces within Imperial borders with the help of the Regina subsect chief executive of the Sharurshid Megacorporation, Konrad Kiefer. Kiefer, unsuspectingly, planned the shipments using Shrurshid's facilities and resources, as well as his own contacts with black market smugglers, criminals and interstellar pirates. The Zhodani no doubt made lofty promises of power and wealth to Kiefer to turn him against the Imperium.

Fotunately, Sharurshid's leading authorities already suspected Kiefer was illegally trading, embezzling corporate funds and forging company records. Lenara Raclor, a special agent from Transom, Sharurshid's intelligence agency, was assigned to investigate Kiefer's activities. She soon uncovered the Zhodani plot and found records of shipment dates and locations of secret arms deliveries. With the help of several ex-military travellers, Raclor obtained the holographic data and accompanying decoding keys and...

I actually got the Zhodani Conspiracy to work on my Windows 7 machine with the help of Dos Box.
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