Hi All,
So I've finally got a solo campaign seed of sorts which I feel enthusiastic about, namely a 30-ish fellow from Lakou (Spinward Marches/0638), who is eager to see the universe and ends up falling in with smugglers and other undesirable types.
Are their any readily available sources on smuggling and crime in the Imperium and across its borders? I figured a backwater like Lakou would be a great place for such activity to happen or at least start. What are the penalties for being caught with illegal goods? I imagine this varies somewhat—some worlds are likely more draconian than others about enforcement.
How realistic is it for smugglers to conceal their operations under the guise of legitimate free trade?
Thanks for any general info on this.
Apologies for the broad range of the question, and if this should be in another forum I'm happy to relocate.
So I've finally got a solo campaign seed of sorts which I feel enthusiastic about, namely a 30-ish fellow from Lakou (Spinward Marches/0638), who is eager to see the universe and ends up falling in with smugglers and other undesirable types.
Are their any readily available sources on smuggling and crime in the Imperium and across its borders? I figured a backwater like Lakou would be a great place for such activity to happen or at least start. What are the penalties for being caught with illegal goods? I imagine this varies somewhat—some worlds are likely more draconian than others about enforcement.
How realistic is it for smugglers to conceal their operations under the guise of legitimate free trade?
Thanks for any general info on this.