I can convince enough of my neighbors of the rightness of my views to restrain him? :smirk:What is to prevent them from doing the same to you?
All kidding aside, you're expressing a fallacy that really annoys me. I'm not imposing my views on anyone by posting them to a forum. And if anyone else wishes to impose their views on me to that same degree, they are welcome to try. I'll just ignore them.
You don't seem to be getting my point and I don't think I can express myself any clearer. I'm not sure there's any point in continuing this line of debate.In most municipalities, at minimum, it is simple assault. If your use of force results in a death, that's murder. Laws vary from place to place enough that defense of others is a dicey proposition at best.
Even if you just call the cops on him, he'll figure out you ratted him out, and that can have unpleasant consequences. Why creat a threat to yourself that did not exist before?