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Intelligence Corvette


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award 2022
I volunteer to drive a bunch of old ww2 & korean war vets to the American Legion and the VFW a couple of times a month where they have dinners, and sit around and talk. One guy ( a 91 year old!!!) was talking about how he was taken from the farms of the American Midwest to be a Ranger and when he was in the UK they told him to get on a sub for a mission. He said he had never seen the ocean and then they wanted him to go on a tiny boat like that (he is a big guy) ? Pretty funny story actually.

That got me to thinking about a Starship for black ops, 400-800 tons, 6G, J6, lightly armored; for insertions on enemy worlds, operatives, teams, weapons, etc. . It would have to be streamlined, able to use un-refined fuel, price is no object; sleek, black and sneaky. It might have a couple of hardpoints for defensive weaponry, but it lives by running away, not fighting.

Anybody else designed anything like this?
(Big snip of fun idea) Anybody else designed anything like this?


They sure have. It's called the Kinunir-class colonial cruiser. :)

Crew of 45, room for up to 35 troops, jump capsules, a pinnace, an APC, air/rafts, 4 gees acceleration, jump4, missiles, lasers, particle accelerators, and best of all...

... a black globe.

Even better, your players can have multiple characters in an adventure or campaign featuring operations involving a Kinunir. Depending on the focus of the current session a player could be a spacer, squaddie, or spook.


They sure have. It's called the Kinunir-class colonial cruiser. :)

Crew of 45, room for up to 35 troops, jump capsules, a pinnace, an APC, air/rafts, 4 gees acceleration, jump4, missiles, lasers, particle accelerators, and best of all...

... a black globe.

Even better, your players can have multiple characters in an adventure or campaign featuring operations involving a Kinunir. Depending on the focus of the current session a player could be a spacer, squaddie, or spook.


Haha While I like the Kinunir very much, it is a little big and a little slow. Good idea though. I'm thinking something more along the lines of what the INI might loan to a group of players. Though also something that fits the bill of what a black ops ship should be. Kind of here and there about the black globe deal, in some ways it's a good idea for the ship, some ways not. Esp. if you don't want your expensive tech. falling into the hands of the enemy.

Sort of like the ship Ford Prefect said about that "when the little black light lights up on the totally black dash board, that's when you push the black button..."

You think the Kinunir-class is too big? You're going to have trouble fitting the engineering performance you want in anything smaller. Look at the HG2 percentages:
  • Jump-6: 7%
  • 6-gees: 17%
  • Power plant: 6% minimum
  • Jump fuel: 60%
  • Power fuel: 6% minimum
That's 96% of your hull and you haven't even addressed the bridge, the computer, weapons, small craft, fuel purification, scoops, or staterooms yet.


You think the Kinunir-class is too big? You're going to have trouble fitting the engineering performance you want in anything smaller. Look at the HG2 percentages:
  • Jump-6: 7%
  • 6-gees: 17%
  • Power plant: 6% minimum
  • Jump fuel: 60%
  • Power fuel: 6% minimum
That's 96% of your hull and you haven't even addressed the bridge, the computer, weapons, small craft, fuel purification, scoops, or staterooms yet.

Bill's right, you won't be able to fit everything you want without bending the rules to an extreme extent.

The other option is lowering your ceiling.

A 200 dTon insertion/landing/running craft sounds about right to me. Give it Jump1 or 2 at TL15 - the expectation that for longer journeys it would be carried by someone else. Go the full airframe for rapid landing and for fuel scooping. It would effectively be the sexiest far trader anyone could get their hands on. :)
It would have to be streamlined, able to use un-refined fuel, price is no object; sleek, black and sneaky.

Sorry to highjack the thread into a tangent but, what exactly does the boldened bit of your quote mean? Is it possible for ships to use unrefined fuel for Jumps in Traveller without a problem? Or am I interpreting it wrong? :oo:
I agree with Veltyen. Sounds to me like the ship needs a carrier to deliver it, and a J1/J2 to RV with the carrier after the mission. If time isn't an issue, the carrier could deliver to a neighbouring hex too.
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Sorry to highjack the thread into a tangent but, what exactly does the boldened bit of your quote mean? Is it possible for ships to use unrefined fuel for Jumps in Traveller without a problem? Or am I interpreting it wrong? :oo:

If using CT before HG came out, the "Military Drives" of the scout service.
After CT HG, having fuel purification plants.
All these are good ideas, thanks!

Bill's right, you won't be able to fit everything you want without bending the rules to an extreme extent.

The other option is lowering your ceiling.

A 200 dTon insertion/landing/running craft sounds about right to me. Give it Jump1 or 2 at TL15 - the expectation that for longer journeys it would be carried by someone else. Go the full airframe for rapid landing and for fuel scooping. It would effectively be the sexiest far trader anyone could get their hands on. :)

The tonnage isn't as much as issue as performance and the need to keep the crew low. I'd reall like it to have 2Jx performance at the highest J capacity possible.

Sorry to highjack the thread into a tangent but, what exactly does the boldened bit of your quote mean? Is it possible for ships to use unrefined fuel for Jumps in Traveller without a problem? Or am I interpreting it wrong? :oo:

Aramis is correct, though typically I'd use fuel-purification plants which it could have... hmmm.

I agree with Veltyen. Sounds to me like the ship needs a carrier to deliver it, and a J1/J2 to RV with the carrier after the mission. If time isn't an issue, the carrier could deliver to a neighbouring hex too.

The only issue I have with that is that it needs to be more covert, a carrier to deliver it, to me seems like more people to talk and a bigger mission plan because you would be detailing more fleet elements to it. It is a good idea and that is a real good idea to make J1 Battleriders that could jump out if the situation were to get too hot. With the Intelligence Corvette, I want it to operate fairly independently, thus being more covert.


You think the Kinunir-class is too big? You're going to have trouble fitting the engineering performance you want in anything smaller. Look at the HG2 percentages:
  • Jump-6: 7%
  • 6-gees: 17%
  • Power plant: 6% minimum
  • Jump fuel: 60%
  • Power fuel: 6% minimum
That's 96% of your hull and you haven't even addressed the bridge, the computer, weapons, small craft, fuel purification, scoops, or staterooms yet.


Interesting info, thanks. I guess tonnage might not be such an issue as performance. I'm thinking 2Jx, so it can jump in and jump out without re-fueling. Tonnage though seems to imply a larger crew size, which I want to keep as small as possible.
The other option is to use an ordinary merchant ship. SOE used fishing boats to launch missions in both Europe & the Far East.

It would be much safer to use everyday vessels to deliver agents etc. These ships could also gather intelligence, either from agents or with a top of the range sensor array like the old soviet trawlers.

Such ships could meet with J6 craft & fuel tankers in deep space.
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I have a design for a purpose-built special ops boat, done up under HG2 rules, coming in at 300 or 400 tons I believe. It's on the PC at home, will post tonight or over the weekend.
And as I'm finishing my lunch it hits me that we're all missing the obvious "stealth" ship - a disguised planetoid hull! :)
The tonnage isn't as much as issue as performance and the need to keep the crew low.


Sadly, performance is directly linked to tonnage. :(

I'd reall like it to have 2Jx performance at the highest J capacity possible.

Then you're looking at less than jump-3 because 2J3 equals 1J6 and that means we're right back to the 96% figure I posted earlier.

The only issue I have with that is that it needs to be more covert, a carrier to deliver it, to me seems like more people to talk and a bigger mission plan because you would be detailing more fleet elements to it.

That's a very good point. If your "insertion" vessel needs to catch a lift to the system, that lift mission becomes a potential source for leaks.

With the Intelligence Corvette, I want it to operate fairly independently, thus being more covert.

Then you need to look at Abomination's suggestion. Rather than rely on stealth and speed to make your insertion, you rely on stealth and misdirection instead. The SOE and OSS landed many more agents with "civilian" craft than with MTBs and PT boats.

I guess tonnage might not be such an issue as performance.

The trouble is that performance and tonnage and crew size are inextricably linked. Want jump-6 or some variety of 2J3 along with 6gees? You'll need a much larger vessel which will require a much larger crew.

Instead, let's look at the problem with your "boomerang" fuel requirement first and foremost while dropping jump range to a minimum and building at TL 15.

  • Jump-1: 2%
  • 6-gees: 17%
  • Power plant: 6%
  • Jump fuel: 20% (two jump-1)
  • Power fuel: 6%

That's only 51%, or 51 dTons out of a 100 dTon hull, the smallest hull that can jump. Continuing with a 100 dTon hull, the bridge will require a flat 20 dTons, leaving us 29 dTons to work with. Your single turret will use another 1 dTon leaving us 28 dTons with which to play.

Energy points is your next major concern. The power plant already provides 6 energy points (EP). You only need a code 1 computer to meet your jump requirements, but you'll want the biggest computer possible for the various stealth-like benefits and the bigger computers suck up EPs quickly. Weapons other than missiles and sandcasters need EPs too. Another big EP load is agility and you're going to want the maximum agility rating of 6.

Each EP you add will cost 2 dTons, one for the power plant and one for it's fuel. An agility rating of six is "free" but uses all current EPs. The classic single turret weapons selection of one missile, sandcaster , and laser needs one EP which requires 2 dTons leaving us with 26 dTons. Let's set our computer choice aside for the moment to tackle to the crew.

The required crew is easy. At 100 dTons all you actually need is a pilot. That single turret needs a gunner. Both of them can share a single stateroom. Every two members of your "intelligence" team will need a single stateroom too. A 2-man crew and a 6-man team need 4 staterooms at 4 dTons apiece. That leaves us 10 dTons.

Back to the computer now. While you only need a computer code of 1 for jump purposes, you want a big computer because of the many combat benefits it provides. The largest computer you can install is a code 4 at 4 dTons and another 4 dTons for the EPs. That leaves you 2 dTons for cargo.

All things considered, a code 4 computer is rather "small". You can get a larger computer if you reduce the size of your team. If you want longer legs, you'll be looking at a large ship with larger crew requirements. Fuel refining requires more fiddling as the smallest plant is 5 dTons. You'll need to drop a stateroom or reduce the computer's size.

There's your "intelligence" corvette. Jump-1 with boomerang fuel, 6-gees, an agility of 6, 4 staterooms, a mid-range computer, three weapons, a smidgen of cargo, and all in 100 dTons. She'll be carried to a point in the deep dark somewhere near her target world, perhaps even parked out there for repeated use by various crews and teams. She'll jump the rest of the way on her own, speed inward to land, and most likely squat at the bottom of some body of water while the "intelligence" team performs their "fact finding" mission.

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And as I'm finishing my lunch it hits me that we're all missing the obvious "stealth" ship - a disguised planetoid hull! :)

Idly thinking one that - maybe split the difference. Have a 'ordinary freighter' like the Imperiallines T series, so the spook ship can pull in at starports and insert teams or cruise around without arousing suspicion. A rock ship pulling up to a starport would probably cause the counter-spooks antennae to tingle.

But if it wants to do longer term system surveilance, it pulls into the system and when no-one is looking it deploys an "inflatable asteroid" around it's hull. When its time to, go deflate the 'asteroid' and amble outsystem. Similar idea to deceptive lighting/deceptive hull configuration used by todays navy.

And then of course you could have two ships.

The bait - this ship tries very hard to look suspicious -a Belter ship with more antennae than NASA just "asteroid prospecting" so every eye is watching it. And the spook ship - which sits quietly in disguise while the locals are off chasing the 'Belter'. The drawback is of course the twisted tangles of thought which go on with spooks. "Maybe the belter is double bluffing, maybe he's not", "Maybe we are supposed to chase the belter while ignoring another sneak", "But if they know that we know"....
I've thought of a completely different approach.

From the "Alone in the dark" thread and this pic:


Using MT rules (not Mtg) have the popular solo yacht at the minimum TL possible (13) for jump 4 but use low maintenance drives (MTJ optional rule) so one person can still operate them. Maybe drop it to jump 3 and TL 12. The design would have an extra long duration period (read extra fuel). The blurp would read that 'the solo yacht is a popular inexpensive ship see through out space.'

Next have an "intelligence" version. Same deck plan but with TL 15/16 pp and drives that look like TL 13. Less fuel consumption for the pp. Survalence equipment, small stateroom(s), em masking equipment would be hidden in stolen fuel storage space. The ship could be used for survalence or for insertion/retreval of personnel (1 to 4). The ship would opperate just like a solo yacht and would blend in. It might (might) have a hidden turret.

Just pondering the idea after I saw the picture.

Lycanorukke & Swiftbrook,

Personally, I believe your various "Stealth & Misdirection" examples are the way to go when inserting the kinds of intelligence teams discussed here.

However, the OP wants flash and speed instead and that's what I gave him.

I can't seem to find the HGS (High Guard Shipyard) file with my purpose built special ops ship. Here's what I recall were the salient features:

TL 13 to match the max TL of MTU. Fairly small, 300 tons if memory serves. Jump 3 and 2 or 3G m-drive. A small crew, with the stealthy groundpounder types in low berths until they reached the target area. Teams inserted by either landing the ship or via a sort of stealthed air/raft. One hardpoint devoted to a big VRF-gauss turret to aid in dust-off extractions from hot LZs. Small sickbay. Quarters were on the small side; if the ground team needed to stay defrosted for a time, they could hang hammocks in the small common room. I think I doubled the tonnage devoted to the computer to represent additional sensors, ECM and ECCM gear.

I'm pretty sure I had fuel purification on-board, and the ship was streamlined. so wilderness (or covert) refueling was covered.

Sure, a Q-ship style freighter would be a lot more realistic, but this had a bit of cool factor going for it. :)
I had a quick look but can't find my Barekdoldin design (T20 iirc) and I won't be able to dig deeper (it's got to be around here somewhere) for a couple weeks at least.

I seem to recall it being a ship that would fit your bill nicely. A 500ton Darrian patrol cruiser with good speed (6G?), decent legs (J3?), and some other interesting features. Unless I've got it confused with another design I did as a covert intruder :confused:

I do know I did a covert intruder at some time, at least once...

If someone has access to the JTAS Archives, or maybe Bill squirreled it away, my Barekdoldin was an entry in the JTAS Design Contest #24. Feel free to post a copy of it here if anyone finds it.
How's this?

Ship: Liberty
Class: Pueblo
Type: Strategic Reconnaisance
Architect: Osmanski
Tech Level: 15

         SR-6533392-030000-20002-0 MCr 369.180 600 Tons
Bat Bear             3     3   3   Crew: 10
Bat                  3     3   3   TL: 15

Cargo: 40.000 Fuel: 378.000 EP: 18.000 Agility: 0
Craft: 1 x 10T Stealth Boat
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification

Architects Fee: MCr 3.692   Cost in Quantity: MCr 295.344

Detailed Description

600.000 tons standard, 8,400.000 cubic meters, Sphere Configuration

Pilot, Navigator, 3 Engineers, Medic, 3 Gunners, 1 Flight Crew

Jump-3, 3G Manuever, Power plant-3, 18.000 EP, Agility 0

Bridge, Model/9 Computer

3 Hardpoints

3 Triple Mixed Turrets each with: 1 Beam Laser (Factor-2), 1 Missile Rack (Factor-2).

3 Single Sandcaster Turrets organised into 3 Batteries (Factor-3)

1 10.000 ton Stealth Boat (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr 0.000)

378.000 Tons Fuel (6 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

10.0 Staterooms, 40.000 Tons Cargo


MCr 372.872 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 3.692), MCr 295.344 in Quantity

99 Weeks Singly, 79 Weeks in Quantity

This ship is able to make J-3 twice without refueling. Agility-0, but this is not a fighting ship. She's intended for long-term deployments in the outer system, using the Mod/9 computer for electronic surveillance. Her crew have single-person staterooms to allow longer-duration missions, although if she was to carry a "shore" team they'd have to double-bunk some people. If a trip into the inner system is necessary, the "stealth" boat is used, which has these stats:
Ship: Stealth Boat
Class: TL15 stealth boat
Type: Recon Boat
Architect: Osmanski
Tech Level: 15

         UU-0106611-F00000-00000-0 MCr 17.055 10 Tons
Bat Bear                           Crew: 1
Bat                                TL: 15

Cargo: 0.200 Fuel: 1.000 EP: 0.600 Agility: 6

Architects Fee: MCr 0.171   Cost in Quantity: MCr 13.644

Detailed Description

10.000 tons standard, 140.000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configuration


Jump-0, 6G Manuever, Power plant-6, 0.600 EP, Agility 6

No Bridge Installed, Model/2 Computer



Armoured Hull (Factor-15)


0.600 Tons Fuel (0 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
No Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant

5 Acceleration Couches, 0.200 Ton Cargo


MCr 17.226 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 0.171), MCr 13.644 in Quantity

5 Weeks Singly, 4 Weeks in Quantity

The boat is fast, agile, and well-protected, although I would interpret that f-15 armor as more for stealth than actual bonded superdense. A bigger computer would be nice, but as Whipsnade pointed out powerful computers eat EPs like candy, so she just has to do without.